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The academicians and reformists in India have been feeling the need to strengthen and develop Philosphical research in India. In the mid-seventies, a team of scholars made a careful study of the whole question relating to the revitalization of the Indian tradition of philosophizing and suggested that in addition to other efforts the Govt. of India should come forward to establish a center for philosophical research. As a result in 1976, the basic concept of ICPR became accepted, and in March 1977, the council was registered as a society under the society's registration Act 1860. However, the council became active only in July 1981, when it started functioning under the chairmanship of Professor D.P. Chattopadyaya. The council is an autonomous body fully financed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.

The main Objects of the council briefly are to establish, administer and manage the Indian Council of Philosophical Research whose main functions are:

  • to review the progress of research in philosophy from time to time
  • to co-ordinate research activities in philosophy and to encourage programmes of interdisciplinary research
  • to promote collaboration in research between Indian philosophers and philosophical institutions and those from other countries; to promote teaching and research in philosophy
  • to sponsor or assist projects or programmes of research in philosophy
  • to give financial support to institutions and organisations engaged in the conduct of research on philosophy
  • to provide technical assistance or guidance for the formulation of research projects and programmes in philosophy, by individuals or institutions and / or organise and support institutional or other arrangements for training in research methodology
  • to indicate periodically areas and topics on which research in philosophy should be promoted and to adopt special measures for the development of research in neglected or developing areas in philosophy
  • to organise, sponsor and assist seminars, special courses, study circles, working groups / parties and conferences for promoting research in philosophy and to establish institutes for the same purpose
  • to give grants for publications of digests, journals, periodicals and scholarly works devoted to research in philosophy and also to undertake their publications
  • to institute and administer fellowships, scholarships and awards for research in philosophy by students, teachers and others
  • to develop and support documentation services, including maintenance and supply of data, preparation of an inventory of current research in philosophy and compilation of a national register of philosophers
  • to take special steps to develop a group of talented young philosophers and to encourage research by young philosophers working in universities and other institutions
  • to advise the Govt. of India on all such matters pertaining to teaching and research in philosophy as may be referred to it by the Govt. of India from time to time
  • to enter into collaboration on mutually agreed terms, with other institutions, organisations and agencies for the promotion of research in philosophy
  • generally to take all such measures as may be found necessary from time to time to promote research in philosophy and
  • to create academic, technical, ministerial and other posts in the council and to make appointments thereto in accordance with the provisions of the rules and regulations.

In pursuance of these and similar considerations, the council formulated certain initial lines of research. Some priority areas for research were also conceived, particularly the following:

  • Varieties of abiding experience and their relevance to philosophy
  • Theories of Truth and Knowledge
  • Basic values embodied in Indian culture and their relevance to National rebuilding
  • Normative Inquiries
  • Philosophy, Science and Technology; Interdisciplinary Inquiries with philosophy as focal discipline
  • Philosophy of man and environment
  • Social and political philosophy and philosophy of law
  • Logic, philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of language
  • Metaphysics
  • Comparative and critical studies in philosophical systems or movements and religions and
  • Philosophy of Education.