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The All India Management Association (AIMA), an apex body for management studies, was established in the year 1957 with the joint efforts of Government of India and corporate sector of the country. With the objective of promoting the management studies and skills across the country, the body today boasts of 61 local Management Associations, 30000 professional members and 3000 corporate members.

AIMA is an active member of Asian Association of Management Organizations (AAMO), the Asia-Pacific regional body of World Associations of Management Organizations (CIOS), and South Asian Association of Management Organizations (SAAMO).

Besides this, AIMA also has tie-ups with overseas professional bodies too like the Australian Institute of Management (AIM), Deakin University of Australia, American Management Association (AMA), Carnegie Melon University (CMU), USA, Institute of Management United Kingdom, Henley Management College (UK), Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), and International Management Association of Japan(IMAJ).