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Computers IT


The INDEM (IIITA Network Development, Engineering and Management) represents the Network/System Admins in IIITA. A joint for the innovative technical minds of the institute. The Club organizes various technical fests from time to time to keep churning the Techi-minds.


The club encourages students to experiment with robot design, artificial intelligence programming and related areas. Workshops towards Robot fabrication are also conducted. For more details click Robita.

Literary Club

The club is in to organizing, debates, extempore etc. It also comes out with two magazines, IMHO (in English) and Swacchanda (in hindi) for in-campus circulation. It also publishes a regular News letter MÈLANGE.

Download the current issue of MÈLANGE
RangTarangani - dramatics club

The dramatics club at IIIT is responsible for organizing workshops (acting as well as scriptwriting) and drama competitions to exploit the histrionics inclination of the students. Innovation- one act play competition is an annual feature.

Virtuosi - the music club

The IIITA music club, is in to tapping the music genius of the institute. Apart from having a college band the club has been coming up with brilliant performances.

Higher, faster, stronger

To render sportsmanship in the students, the institute pays considerable attention on sports too. In this pursuit it has developed wonderful teams of Cricket, Soccer, Tennis, and several other indoor games.

Ushma - dance club

The idea to have an outlet to the synergy of thought, movement and artistic expression gave birth to the dance club 'USHMA'.

Thunderbolt - the audio and lights club

The institute is proud to have the services of this club, which has been very efficient in managing lights, audio equipment, visualrecording of various events staged at IIITA.

Semaphore - The IIITA college band
Program Management and Publicity club (STAMBH)
Maitri Club

Conducts activities and events for the staff, students and the faculty and their families.


Allahabad is situated in the banks of river Ganga and Yamuna in Uttar Pradesh. Located on 83030' The meridian line passes through Naini Allahabad. The city is famous for various reasons; heritage, culture and people and places etc and recognized as a place of learning and pilgrimage. The University of Allahabad is a matter of pride for not only for its alumni and faculty but for the people of India which was sometimes pronounced as the 'Oxford of East'. The university had many visionaries to its credit be it Dr. M. Shaha for nuclear researches or Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma as Former President of India. The city carries the name of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru- the first prime minister of India to its credit. His home famously called Anand Bhawan is now a State Property.

Allahabad is also famous for its Gauva's mainly from Khusroo Bagh.

The Kumbh Mela which occurs in the interval of 12 years makes Allahabad, the Place of Pilgrimage for all. The people from all over world travel to Allahabad during Kumbh festival. Anyone feels pride in visiting this city, particularly during Kumbh Fest.

The Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (IIITA) adds an extra flavor in the beauty and cultural richness of city along with its other peers like JK Institute of Applied Physics, Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Allahabad and Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad.

The good entertainment facilities are also available in the city center, namely at Chowk, Civil Lines, Johnston Gang etc. For party hoppers, Civil Lines is considered as best place.

The Allahabad enjoys all types of weather namely summer, winter and rainy season. The city receives good rainfall. The summer temperature ranges from 40 to 48 degree celcius, however its' 12 to 26 degree celcius during winters. The night temperature generally varies from 5 to 9 degree Celsius. The city also receives good rainfall. The lowest temperature that was recorded in the past is -2 degree Celsius and highest 48 degree Celsius.