

The main principle behind naturopathic medicine is that the body has an innate ability to heal itself, (though the concept of self-healing does have limitations). This thinking points to the importance of supporting the bodys natural vitality, which promotes self-cleansing, self-repair and therefore self-healing. Focusing on the immune, hormonal, nervous and detoxification/elimination systems of the body can achieve this process. Once these systems are in balance, the body can once again achieve homeostasis. To do this efficiently, Naturopathic doctors treat their patients holistically i.e. taking into consideration their individual biochemistry, biomechanics and emotional predispositions.

There are no panaceas, magic bullets, potions or remedies. Each individual has his/her own unique set of symptoms and reactions, which will, in turn, dictate the approach the Naturopathic doctor takes to treat the patient. This is why each person seeking help from a Naturopathic doctor will receive a relatively individualized treatment protocol. Naturopathic medicine is not a solitary system of care. Naturopaths work with other practitioners offering a wide range of treatments.

A career in naturopathy offers ample opportunities to the practitioner for earning money as well as reputation. In India there are few colleges on naturopathy offering courses at various levels â?? diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate. Licensed Naturopathic Physicians, however, have to complete a four-year program at the graduate level. Areas of study may include nutrition therapy, acupuncture, homeopathic medicine, natural childbirth, and herbal/botanical medicine etc.