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Great Careers


Empowered with a Management degree - one can develop a career in a range of fields. These include openings in the fields of human resource management, operations management, strategic management, international management, and organisational communication etc. Career advancement, management expertise and increased earnings are perhaps the most common reasons given for pursuing an MBA. An MBA can help you make major break or leap in your career path with a concomitant leap in income.

After liberalization Indian market has opened several new opportunities to management students. After rapid expansion of Industries, India has also opened new vistas for excellent opportunities for careers in management. New Economic Policy of liberalisation has increased the demand for managerial personnel in the corporate world. Industry insiders feels that the demand for managerial personnel in specialist fields like Finance, Production, Marketing, Personnel and Administration will further increase rapidly in the coming years. The corporates in their accelerated drive for all-important competitive edge believe that management graduates with their macro vision and analytical bent of mind can deliver more than others in the fast changing world of business. Now MBA as a three-letter qualification has become almost mandatory for entry into and future advancement in a wide range of industries. Top companies-multinationals, foreign banks, financial institutions, public sector undertakings, in effect the whole corporate sector ? offer bright opportunities to management graduates.

The careers in management offer one of the best remuneration packages and perks everywhere. Private sector today offers rapid advancement to result-oriented professionals. Excellent perks are offered which may include free accommodation, free conveyance / attractive allowances, CPF, leave travel concession, medical allowance / reimbursement etc.

For those who take up self employment or who become employment generators as entrepreneurs ? MBA or equivalent qualifications provide handful of necessary inputs for achieving successful entrepreneurial aims.