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Great Careers


Any act of yours, bringing tangible change in the society, would undoubtedly bring a sense of satisfaction and feeling of pride. What if, besides the quotient of satisfaction and feeling of pride you also earn a handsome amount and reputation in the society?

A career in the field of engineering provides just that.

Engineering is amongst the few professions where creativity and ingenuity knows no bounds. Moreover if you are the one among those who look for challenging opportunities than probably, engineering is the most ideal profession to opt for. As an aerospace engineer you have the chance of developing cryogenics technology badly needed for the country to make advances in the space research, as a Civil Engineer you have the opportunity of developing earth quake resistant houses and as an electrical engineer the challenge lies in developing superconductors. The list is endless.

In a similar fashion every stream of engineering has lots of such opportunities and challenges. And if you are the one looking for opportunities where creativity and imagination are the tools to mitigate the challenges then you ought to be an Engineer.

Job Satisfaction

Studies show that, by far, the most important cause of dissatisfaction among the working people is the job dissatisfaction. Thus, it is important to find a career that provides job satisfaction. After all, one has to spend good part of his/her life at work station and if the place you work delivers content and satisfaction you are bound to grow in a better way with each passing day.

Variety of Career Opportunities

Neil Armstrong, Jimmy Carter, and Alfred Hitchcock, an astronaut, a president, and one a filmmaker ? from different streams of occupation all together but a commonality, they all started with an engineering education.

Engineering as a profession offers a wide range of career possibilities. From the design of fighter planes to that of pacemakers for hearts from boring holes deep in the earth for the petrochemicals to steeping at mars, engineers play the pivotal role.

Challenging Work

Engineering is all about fixing things so as to make the object serve its purpose in the best possible and efficient way. From the flying machine of the Wright brothers to the stealth bombers the range of improvement and development is enormous. Here lies the challenge. Challenge is not only about visualizing the development and improvement but also in performing it.

Intellectual Development

Engineering as a profession is function of creativity and ingenuity. Its more about developing the best possible option. This in turn involves great utilization of your mental faculties as compared to the professions where practice and pattern aid a lot in performing the job.

Contribute to Society

No one can deny the contribution of society in one?s own development but few bother to contribute for the same. Engineering as a carrier provides lots of opportunity to this end too. A civil engineer can design models for easing out traffic congestion. A software engineer can develop cheap and user friendly software for the disabled, an electrical engineer can devise ways and means for optimum utilization of electricity. All in the interest of the society and ones own career.

Financial Security

While financial security should not be the only reason for choosing a career in engineering, if you decide to become an engineer you will be well paid. Engineering graduates receive one of the highest starting salaries of any discipline.


Engineers play an important role in the development of the nation and add to its international stature in a big way. And in this pursuit, one also earns a reputed place in the society.

Professional Environment

As an engineer, you will work in a professional environment where creativity and intellect are on the top priority. Working in such an environment with creative and intellectual colleagues is rewarding in itself.