MCQ Questions for Class 10 Maths Arithmetic Progressions with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Maths Arithmetic Progressions with Answers

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Class 10 Maths MCQs Chapter 5 Arithmetic Progressions

1. The nth term of an A.P. is given by an = 3 + 4n. The common difference is
(a) 7
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 1


Answer: c
Explaination:Reason: We have an = 3 + 4n
∴ an+1 = 3 + 4(n + 1) = 7 + 4n
∴ d = an+1 - an
= (7 + 4n) - (3 + 4n)
= 7 - 3
= 4

2. If p, q, r and s are in A.P. then r - q is
(a) s - p
(b) s - q
(c) s - r
(d) none of these


Answer: c
Explaination:Reason: Since p, q, r, s are in A.P.
∴ (q - p) = (r - q) = (s - r) = d (common difference)

3. If the sum of three numbers in an A.P. is 9 and their product is 24, then numbers are
(a) 2, 4, 6
(b) 1, 5, 3
(c) 2, 8, 4
(d) 2, 3, 4


Answer: d
Explaination:Reason: Let three numbers be a - d, a, a + d
∴ a - d +a + a + d = 9
⇒ 3a = 9
⇒ a = 3
Also (a - d) . a . (a + d) = 24
⇒ (3 -d) .3(3 + d) = 24
⇒ 9 - d² = 8
⇒ d² = 9 - 8 = 1
∴ d = ± 1
Hence numbers are 2, 3, 4 or 4, 3, 2

4. The (n - 1)th term of an A.P. is given by 7,12,17, 22,... is
(a) 5n + 2
(b) 5n + 3
(c) 5n - 5
(d) 5n - 3


Answer: d
Explaination:Reason: Here a = 7, d = 12-7 = 5
∴ an-1 = a + [(n - 1) - l]d = 7 + [(n - 1) -1] (5) = 7 + (n - 2)5 = 7 + 5n - 10 = 5M - 3

5. The nth term of an A.P. 5, 2, -1, -4, -7 ... is
(a) 2n + 5
(b) 2n - 5
(c) 8 - 3n
(d) 3n - 8


Answer: c
Explaination:Reason: Here a = 5, d = 2 - 5 = -3
an = a + (n - 1)d = 5 + (n - 1) (-3) = 5 - 3n + 3 = 8 - 3n

6. The 10th term from the end of the A.P. -5, -10, -15,..., -1000 is
(a) -955
(b) -945
(c) -950
(d) -965


Answer: a
Explaination:Reason: Here l = -1000, d = -10 - (-5) = -10 + 5 = - 5
∴ 10th term from the end = l - (n - 1 )d = -1000 - (10 - 1) (-5) = -1000 + 45 = -955

7. Find the sum of 12 terms of an A.P. whose nth term is given by an = 3n + 4
(a) 262
(b) 272
(c) 282
(d) 292


Answer: a
Explaination:Reason: Here an = 3n + 4
∴ a1 = 7, a2 - 10, a3 = 13
∴ a= 7, d = 10 - 7 = 3
∴ S12 = \frac{12}{2} [2 × 7 + (12 - 1) ×3] = 6[14 + 33] = 6 × 47 = 282

8. The sum of all two digit odd numbers is
(a) 2575
(b) 2475
(c) 2524
(d) 2425


Answer: b
Explaination:Reason: All two digit odd numbers are 11,13,15,... 99, which are in A.P.
Since there are 90 two digit numbers of which 45 numbers are odd and 45 numbers are even
∴ Sum = \frac{45}{2} [11 + 99] = \frac{45}{2} × 110 = 45 × 55 = 2475

9. The sum of first n odd natural numbers is
(a) 2n²
(b) 2n + 1
(c) 2n - 1
(d) n²


Answer: d
Explaination:Reason: Required Sum = 1 + 3 + 5 + ... + upto n terms.
Here a = 1, d = 3 - 1 = 2
Sum = \frac{n}{2} [2 × 1 + (n - 1) × 2] = \frac{n}{2} [2 + 2n - 2] = \frac{n}{2} × 2n = n²Reason: All two digit odd numbers are 11,13,15,... 99, which are in A.P.
Since there are 90 two digit numbers of which 45 numbers are odd and 45 numbers are even
∴ Sum = \frac{45}{2} [11 + 99] = \frac{45}{2} × 110 = 45 × 55 = 2475

10. If (p + q)th term of an A.P. is m and (p - q)tn term is n, then pth term is
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Maths Arithmetic Progressions with Answers 1


Answer: d
Explaination:Reason: Let a is first term and d is common difference
∴ ap + q = m
ap - q = n
⇒ a + (p + q - 1)d = m = ...(i)
⇒ a + (p - q - 1)d = m = ...(ii)
On adding (i) and (if), we get
2a + (2p - 2)d = m + n
⇒ a + (p -1)d = \frac{m+n}{2} ...[Dividing by 2
∴ an = \frac{m+n}{2}

15. nth term of the sequence a, a + d, a + 2d,... is
(a) a + nd
(b) a - (n - 1)d
(c) a + (n - 1)d
(d) n + nd


Answer: a
Explaination:Reason: an = a + (n - 1)d

16. The 10th term from the end of the A.P. 4, 9,14, ..., 254 is
(a) 209
(b) 205
(c) 214
(d) 213


Answer: a
Explaination:Reason: Here l - 254, d = 9-4 = 5
∴ 10th term from the end = l - (10 - 1 )d = 254 -9d = 254 = 9(5) = 254 - 45 = 209

17. If 2x, x + 10, 3x + 2 are in A.P., then x is equal to
(a) 0
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 6


Answer: d
Explaination:Reason: Since 2x, x + 10 and 3x + 2 are in A.P.
∴ 2(x + 10) = 2x + (3x + 2)
⇒ 2x + 20 - 5x + 2
⇒ 2x - 5x = 2 - 20
⇒ 3x = 18
⇒ x = 6

18. The sum of all odd integers between 2 and 100 divisible by 3 is
(a) 17
(b) 867
(c) 876
(d) 786


Answer: b
Explaination:Reason: The numbers are 3, 9,15, 21, ..., 99
Here a = 3, d = 6 and an = 99
∴ an = a + (n - 1 )d
⇒ 99 = 3 + (n - 1) x 6
⇒ 99 = 3 + 6n - 6
⇒ 6n = 102
⇒ n = 17
Required Sum = \frac{n}{2} [a + an] = \frac{17}{2} [3 + 99] = \frac{17}{2} × 102 = 867

19. If the numbers a, b, c, d, e form an A.P., then the value of a - 4b + 6c - 4d + e is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) -1
(d) 2


Answer: a
Explaination:Reason: Let x be the common difference of the given AP
∴ b = a + x, c = a + 2x, d = a + 3x and e = a + 4x
∴ a - 4b + 6c - 4d + e = a - 4 (a + x) + 6(a + 2x) - 4(a + 3x) + (a + 4x)
= a - 4a - 4x + 6a + 12x - 4a - 12x + a + 4x = 8a - 8a + 16x - 16x = 0

20. If 7 times the 7th term of an A.P. is equal to 11 times its 11th term, then 18th term is
(a) 18
(b) 9
(c) 77
(d) 0


Answer: d
Explaination:Reason: We have 7a7 = 11a11
⇒ 7[a + (7 - 1)d] = 11[a + (11 - 1 )d]
⇒ 7(a + 6d) = 11(a + 10d)
⇒ 7a + 42d = 11a + 110d
⇒ 4a = -68d
⇒ a = -17d
∴ a18 = a + (18 - 1)d = a + 17d = -17d + 17d = 0

21. If p, q, r are in AP, then p3 + r3 - 8q3 is equal to
(a) 4pqr
(b) -6pqr
(c) 2pqr
(d) 8pqr


Answer: b
∵ p, q, r are in AP.
∴ 2q = p + r
⇒ p + r - 2q = 0
∴ p3 + r3 + (-2p)3 = 3 × p × r × -2q
[Using ifa + 6 + c = 0 ⇒ a3 + b3 + c3 = 3 abc]
⇒ p3 + r3 - 8q3 = -6pqr.

22. In an AP, if a = 3.5, d = 0, n = 101, then a will be [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) 0
(b) 3.5
(c) 103.5
(d) 104.5


Answer: b
Explaination: (b) a101 = 3.5 + 0(100) = 3.5

23. The list of numbers -10, -6, -2, 2, ... is [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(а) an AP with d = -16
(b) an AP with d = 4
(c) an AP with d = -4
(d) not an AP


Answer: b
Explaination: (b) An AP with d = 4.

24. Two APs have the same common difference. . The first term of one of these is -1 and that of the other is -8. Then the difference between their 4th terms is [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) -1
(b) -8
(c) 7
(d) -9


Answer: c
a4 - b4 = (a1 + 3d) - (b1 + 3d)
= a1 - b1= - 1 - (-8) = 7

25. In an AP, if d = -2, n = 5 and an = 0, the value of a is
(a) 10
(b) 5
(c) -8
(d) 8


Answer: d
d = - 2, n = 5, an = 0
∵ an = 0
⇒ a + (n - 1)d=0
⇒ a + (5 - 1)(- 2) = 0
⇒ a = 8
Correct option is (d).

26. If the common difference of an AP is 3, then a20 - a15 is
(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 15
(d) 20


Answer: c
Common difference, d = 3
a20 - a15 = (a + 19d) - (a+ 14d)
= 5d=5 × 3 = 15

27. The next term of the AP √18, √50, √98, ........ is
(a) √146
(b) √128
(c) √162
(d) √200


Answer: c
(c) √18, √50, √98, ..... = 3√2, 5√2, 7√2, ......
∴ Next term is 9√2 = √162

28. The common difference of the AP
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Maths Arithmetic Progressions with Answers 5
(a) p
(b) -p
(c) -1
(d) 1


Answer: c
Explaination: (c) Common difference = a2 - a1

29. If the nth term of an AP is (2n +1), then the sum of its first three terms is
(a) 6n + 3
(b) 15
(c) 12
(d) 21


Answer: b
a1= 2 × 1 + 1 = 3,
a2 = 2 × 2 + 1 = 5,
a3 = 2 × 3 + l= 7
∴ Sum = 3 + 5 + 7 = 15

30. An AP consists of 31 terms. If its 16th term is m, then sum of all the terms of this AP is
(a) 16 m
(b) 47 m
(c) 31 m
(d) 52 m


Answer: c
S31 =\frac{31}{2} (2a + 30d)
a16 = a + 15d = zw
⇒ S31 = \frac{31}{2} × 2(a + 15d)
⇒ S31 = 31m

31. The first term of an AP of consecutive integers is p² + 1. The sum of 2p + 1 terms of this AP is
(a) (p + 1)²
(b) (2p + 1) (p + 1)²
(c) (p+1)3
(d) p3 + (p + 1)3


Answer: d
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Maths Arithmetic Progressions with Answers 9

32. If the sum of first n terms of an AP is An + Bn² where A and B are constants, the common difference of AP will be
(a) A + B
(b) A - B
(c) 2A
(d) 2B


Answer: d
Sn = An + Bn²
S1 = A × 1 +B × 1²
= A + B
∵ S1 = a1
∴ a1 = A + B ... (1)
and S2 = A × 2 + B × 2²
⇒ a1 + a2 = 2A + 4B
⇒ (A + B) + a2 = 2A + 4B[Using (i)]
⇒ a2 = A + 3B
∴ d = a2 - a1 = 2B

33. If p - 1, p + 3, 3p - 1 are in AP, then p is equal to ______ .


∵ p - 1, p + 3 and 3p - 1 are in AP.
∴ 2(p + 3) = p - 1 + 3p - 1
⇒ 2p + 6 = 4/> -2.
⇒ -2p = -8
⇒ p = 4.

34. Write down the first four terms of the sequences whose general terms are
(i) Tn = 2n + 3
(ii) Tn =3n + 1
(iii) T1 = 2, Tn = Tn-1+ 5, n ≥ 2


(i) Tn= 2n + 3
T1 = 2 × 1 + 3 = 5,
T2 = 2 × 2 + 3 = 7,
T3 = 2 × 3 + 3 = 9,
T4 = 2 × 4 + 3 = 11
∴ Ist four terms are 5, 7, 9 and 11.

(ii) Tn = 3n+1
⇒ T1 = 31+1 = 9,
T2 = 32+1 = 27,
T3= 33+1 = 81,
T4 = 34+1 = 243
∴ Ist four terms are 9, 27, 81 and 243

(iii) T1 = 2, Tn = Tn-1 + 5, n ≥ 2
⇒ T2 = T2-1 + 5
= T1 + 5 = 2 + 5 = 7
T3 = T3-1 + 5
= T2 + 5 = 7 + 5 = 12
and T4=T4-1 + 5
= T3 + 5 = 12 + 5 = 17
∴ Ist four terms are 2, 7, 12 and 17.

35. Find:
The 10th term of 10.0, 10.5, 11.0, 11.5, .....


a=10, d = 10.5 - 10 = 0.5
a10 = a + 9d= 10 + 9 × 0.5 = 14.5

36. In an A.P., if the common difference (d) = - 4 and the seventh term (a7) is 4, then find the first term. [CBSE 2018]


Let a = first term,
Given, d = - 4, a7 = 4
⇒ a + (7 - 1)d = 4
[ ∵ nth term of an AP = an = a + (n - 1)d]
⇒ a + 6d = 4
⇒ a + 6 × (-4) = 4
⇒ a - 24 = 4.
⇒ a = 4 + 24 = 28
∴ First term, a = 28

38. Which term of the AP 21, 18, 15, ... , is zero?


Here, a = 21, J= 18-21 = -3
Let an = 0
⇒ a + (n - 1 )d = 0
⇒ 21 +(n - 1)(-3) = 0
⇒ (n - 1)(- 3) = -21
⇒ n - 1 = \frac{-21}{-3}
⇒ n = 8
∴ 8th term is zero.

39. For what value ofp, are 2p+ 1, 13, 5p - 3 three consecutive terms of an AP?


If terms are in AP, then
13 - (2p + 1) = (5p - 3) - 13
⇒ 13 - 2p - 1 = 5p - 3 - 13
⇒ 28 = 7p
⇒ p = 4.

40. What is the common difference of an A.P. in which a21 - a7 = 84? [AI 2017]


Let ‘cf be the common difference of the AP whose first term is ‘a’
Now, a21 - a7 = 84
⇒ (a + 20d) - (a + 6d)= 84
⇒ 20d - 6d = 84
⇒ 14d = 84
⇒ d = 6

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  • 2020-June-08 14:24:07
  • Bed prakash
  • 2020-June-01 09:44:40
Mera result
  • palla sivaram
  • 2020-April-21 13:55:32
  • Dany
  • 2020-March-07 16:10:18
NCERT Solutions Very Good I Like It
  • laxman
  • 2020-February-17 15:31:16
  • Bhanusam.manjula
  • 2019-August-17 12:35:47
Ssc 2007batch regular halltichet number
  • Ramu
  • 2019-July-31 12:35:35
NCERT Solutions
  • Kalamata gowriswari
  • 2019-June-17 17:57:24
Open 10th result 2019ap
  • Nagra rayal
  • 2019-May-17 10:35:13
Yappudu 10th reselts
  • Yanati nagarani
  • 2019-May-17 10:20:31
10th result
  • 2019-May-11 18:30:50
How can see ssc ap 10th results
  • m.kalyani
  • 2019-May-11 18:30:36
10th result
  • Naveen
  • 2019-May-10 13:17:17
10th results
  • Sri kesav
  • 2019-May-10 09:58:50
Please tell me the correct date of AP ssc results
  • K. Sudhakar
  • 2019-May-10 09:58:43
Plz 10th result
  • V pawan durga sriniva
  • 2019-May-07 14:24:49
Please 10th cbsc results
  • V pawan durga sriniva
  • 2019-May-07 14:24:39
Please 10th cbsc results
  • Charan
  • 2019-May-07 14:24:21
Result ssc
  • Ayesha
  • 2019-May-07 14:24:17
At. What time did exam results will come?
  • Vadithya suresh
  • 2019-May-04 14:44:06
  • VANKUDOTH pavan kalyan
  • 2018-May-30 10:16:07
  • 2018-May-29 18:18:18
Cbse result by name
  • varunsai sanne
  • 2018-May-29 16:00:17
Xth results 2018
  • varunsai sanne
  • 2018-May-29 15:44:24
Xth results 2018
  • Yalagala Srihari
  • 2018-May-29 13:04:27
Exam results
  • Alpesh Dhamale
  • 2018-May-29 11:36:50
Nice article my baby wait for exam result i hope this year pass percentage may be increase
  • m. mohan rao
  • 2018-May-28 11:03:47
hi, s me cbse 10 class 2018 results
  • akshaya
  • 2018-May-26 10:22:07
at what time resilts are going to today
  • Velupala Ashwarya
  • 2018-May-15 11:01:52
My result
  • Ramu
  • 2018-May-12 16:09:34
good information