
TS 10th Class English Guide Unit 1A Attitude is Altitude Look at the picture and answer the questions that follow:
Question 1. Do you know these people? What is their specality?

Answer: The persons in the pictures are Sudha Chandran, Stephen Hawking and Helen Keller

  • Sudha Chandran is a reputed Bharatanatyam dancer and an Indian film and television actress. While travelling to the South for a pilgrimage, she met with an accident in Tamilnadu. The doctors amputated her leg. With great determination and dedication, she came back to the field of Bharatanatyam. Later she gained fame as a film and television actress. Though her leg was amputated, she didnt lose hope and has become an inspiration to many
  • Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists in the world. He has been suffering from an uncurable disease which has weakened his muscles since he was 17 years old. He has received twelve honorary degrees and has been awarded many medals and prizes. The qualities such as strong will power, confidence and faith has made him achieve all these things
  • Helen Keller overcame the adversity of being blind and deaf and became an author, social worker, political activist and lecturer. She was also a world-famous speaker. She reached such a great height in her life because of her sheer dedication, courage and grit. Their lives are a source of inspiration to everyone of us. They showed us that anything could be done, if we tried hard enough. One can achieve wonders in ones iife if one doesnt lose hope
Question 2. What qualities do you think a person requires to become successful ?

Answer: I think a person requires the qualities such as perseverance, grit, courage, faith, confidence, determination, dedication, discipline, will-power.etc., to become successful in her/his life.

Question 3. What is your opinion about the attitude of the society towards individuals with special needs ?

Answer: Disability is a social issue. It results from the interaction between people with "long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others".

Prior to the twentieth century, social attitudes reflected the view that persons with disabilities were unhealthy, defective and deviant. For centuries, society as a whole treated these people as objects of fear and pity. The prevailing attitude was that such individuals were incapable of participating in or contributing to society and that they must rely on welfare or charitable organizations.

Generally speaking, prior to the late 1800s, people with mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism, and/or epilepsy resided at home and were cared for by their families. Life expectancy for severely and profoundly disabled individuals was not as long as it is today.

Oral Discourse

Discourse/Debate/Talk on - "Disability is not an obstacle to success"

Answer: A disability is often used to refer to individual functioning, including physical impairment, sensory impairment, cognitive impairment, intellectual impairment, mental illness, and various types of chronic diseases

Of course there are also millions of people worldwide who may not be famous in the sense society deems famous, but still live with, battle, and overcome their disabilities every single day of their lives

Below you will find men and women who have made a difference to the world including pictures and the names of many famous and well known people who have, or had these disabilities (often referred to as being crippled, handicapped, or having a handicap in past times.)

Albert Einstein

The Mathematician/Physicist who had a learning disability and did not speak until age 3. He had a very difficult time doing maths in school. It was also very hard for him to express himself through writing.

Alexander Graham Bell: Had a learning disability. Thomas Edison:

Edison is the great inventor who had over 1,000 patents and his inventions are in various fields used in our daily life. In his early life he was thought to have a learning disability and he could not read till he was twelve and later he himself admitted that he became deaf after pulling up to a train car by his ears. He first captured world attention by inventing the phonograph.

His most popular invention is the electric light bulb. He also developed the telegraph system. He also became a prominent businessman and his business institution produced his inventions and marketed the products to the general people.

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Roosevelt had Polio, was governor of New York State then elected President of the United States for 4 terms.

George Washington: Had a learning disability. He could barely write and had very poor grammar skills.

Helen Keller: (Devoted Life to Persons with Disabilities) She was Blind, Deaf, and Mute.

John Milton: English Author/poet (1608-1674): He became blind at age 43. He went on to create his most famous epic, Paradise Lost.

Lord Byron: "Mad, bad and dangerous to know", Britains great romantic was also born with talipes, a club foot. It is said that he "walked with difficulty but wandered at will". He toured Europe extensively and captured the popular imagination through his poetry and his personality.

From gloomy egoism through to satiric realism he was renowned for his writings, his sexual ambivalences and his championing of Greek independence from the Turks. Disability activist Tom Shakespeare summed him up in the following way: "Most of his poetry hasnt stood the test of time, but he was a blockbuster in his day, and like very few other heroes, his name is still used as an adjective - Byronic, meaning dashing."

Lord Nelson: Viscount Horatio Nelson is certainly Britains greatest naval hero. His skill as a naval commander is, of course, well-documented. He won crucial victories at Trafalgar in 1805 and the Battle of the Nile in 1798, during the wars with revolutionary and Napoleonic France.

What is less often remarked upon is that a great part of his naval career and his major victories were won as a disabled person. Going ashore in Corsica following the fall of Toulon, a French shot flung debris into his face leaving him without sight in his right eye. Later, an assault on Tenerife resulted in a shattered right elbow - back on his flagship the arm was amputated.

He carried on as a disabled seaman for nearly ten years, securing his most important naval victories at the Battle of the Nile and the infamous Battle of Trafalgar - where he died on October 21, 1805. Contrary to popular belief, he didnt say "I see no ships". Instead he said, during the Battle of Copenhagen, ". I have only one eye. I have a right to be blind sometimes" and, raising his telescope to his blind eye, "I really do not see the signal".

Ludwig van Beethoven: (famous musician) Beethoven is the greatest German composer and musician who was deaf at the later part of his life. In his early life he was famous as a pianist. He got the primary knowledge of music from his father, who was a musician. He has some mysterious power which led him to create famous compositions one after another. He went to Vienna and learned from some of prominent musicians. After the age of 28, he started becoming deaf and his personal life was not so peaceful. He composed many piano sonatas such as Waldstein, Appassionata, etc.

Stephen Hawkings: World famous Physicist/mathematician and author of A Short History of the Universe Stephen Hawkings is considered as the greatest scientist of the twentieth century after Einstein. Hawkings big bang theory and black hole theory has turned the attention of the world.

He is the Isaac Newton Professor of Mathematics of the University of Cambridge. Though he is now nearly paralyzed, he is teaching through a computer supported a machine by which his words are compiled. His physical illness could not make him stop form his research. His famous book is "A Brief History of Time".

Sudha Chandran: (Indian actress and classical dancer) This brave lady dances with a Jaipur foot. She has acted in a movie on classical dance called "Nache Mayuri" & today acts in a variety of TV serials.

Tom Cruise: (Hollywood Star): is severely dyslexic

Walt Disney: Had a learning disability

Woodrow Wilson: U.S. President from 1913-1921. Had a learning disability - he was severely dyslexic.

Question 1. I call it my chicken drumstick, joked Nick. What does it refer to ? How does it help him?

Answer: It refers to the small foot which Nick has on his left hip. It helps him balance and enables him to kick a ball. He uses his one foot to type, write with a pen and pick things up between his toes.

Question 2. What do you mean by right girl/boy to marry ?

Answer: I mean a right girl/boy to marry that the person must be in good health with all organs and mentally sound.

Question 3. His parents decided not to send him to a special school. Was Nick happy about his parents decision ? Why or why not? What do you think about this decision ?

Answer: Nicks parents decided not to send him to a special school which is for disabled children. But Nick was not happy about his parents decision because there might be the risk of bullying.-Children at mainstream school might tease him. He thought that there would be no risk of bullying in a special school. But later, he realised that his parents decision was the best for him. Their decision helped him achieve a degree in Financial Planning and Real Estate. I think that this decision was the best one that his parents could have made for him. As a result of being a companion to able persons, he had the chance of competing with them. The decision helped him become independent.

Question 4. How did Nicks parents help him to become independent?

Answer: Nicks parents decided not to send him to a special school and insisted him on attending mainstream school. This decision gave him independence and he could manage all the problems faced by him successfully. Nicks father taught his little son how to type with his toe at just 6 years old. His mum invented a special plastic device that meant he could hold a pen and a pencil. With the help and encouragement Nick got from his parents, he easily went on to achieve a degree in Financial Planning and Real Estate and he is able to play, swim, surf..etc., despite having no limbs.

Question 5. Pick out the symptoms of Nicks depression. Do you think his depression was normal or something unique about him ? Give reasons for your opinion?

Answer: Nick was deeply depressed because of his disability. When was eight years old he was so depressed that he went to his mum crying and told her that he wanted to kill himself. He felt cold and bitter. He hated God for giving such a body to him. He was terrified of what would happen when his parents werent there to look after him. When Nick was ten years old, he tried to drown himself in the bath. These were all the symptoms of Nicks depression. I think his depression was normal. Any human being who is disabled like Nick might feel the same as Nick felt.

Question 6. Which incident in this text is funny ? What makes it funny ?

Answer: Once Nick was in a car at traffic lights. A funny incident took place. A girl was looking at him romantically. She could only see Nicks head so he decided to do a 360 degree spin in the car seat to show her that he was a torso. When she saw the torso, she left the place quickly. This is the funny incident in the text.

The idea of Nick showing the girl his torso makes the scene funny.
Question 7. What made Nick choose Bethany Hamilton as his teacher to learn surfing?

Answer: Nick went to Hawaii in 2008 and met surfing master Bethany Hamilton. She had her arm bitten off by a shark when she was 12. Nick said that she was amazing. Nick chose Bethany Hamilton as she too was a disabled person and still she performed surfing very well. Though she had no arm she did well. As a disabled person, she could know how a disabled person could earn how to surf. She could know the psychological condition of a disabled person. Bethany taught Nick how to surf and made him good at surfing.

Question 8. Which aspect of Nicks physical condition helps him to do a 360 degree spin?

Answer: Nick doesnt have both his limbs. He has a very low centre of gravity, so he has got pretty good balance. This physical condition of Nick helps him to do the 360 degree spins on his hoard. This feat got him on the cover ofsurfer magazine within 48 hours. No one has ever done that in the history of surfing.

Question 9. What are the distinct features of this text? List them?


  • It is an autobiography
  • Varied sentences are used
  • Ideas are arranged in a logical sequence
  • Emotive and persuasive language is used
  • Ideas are exemplified very well
  • Cohesion is found in the text. The sentences are connected with proper linkers
  • Unity of ideas is maintained for coherence. The sentences are connected n a clear and reasonable way
  • Certain quotations and examples are given
  • Proper introduction, development and conclusion are ensured.
  • The ideas are given formally and precisely
  • As far as the content is concerned, it touches the emotions of a reader
  • The content is message-oriented
  • Physical description of the main character is given properly
  • The main characters attitudes, likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses are given effectively
Question 10. What do you learn from the life of Nick Vujicic ?

Answer: From the life of Nick Vujicic, it is understood that one should not lose hope. He proves that ones disability need not prevent the one from getting the success. His life is a source of inspiration to everyone. If there is a will, one need not struggle to find a way. Nick Vujicic inspired the whole world with his uncrushable spirit, will power, grit and determination.

Question 11. Do you think disability is an obstacle to achieve success in life? Substantiate your argument citing evidences from Nick Vujicics biographical account Attitude is Altitude. ?

Answer: I dont think it so, that disability is an obstacle to achieve success in life. Nicholas James "Nick" Vujicic was born with Phocomeiia, a rare congenital deformity in which the hands or feet are attached close to the trunk, the limbs being grossly underdeveloped or absent.

As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with hisdisability.

He presents motivational speeches worldwide which focus on living with disabilities and finding hope and meaning in life. Today this dynamic young evangelist has accomplished more than most people achieve in a lifetime. Hes an author, musician, actor, and his hobbies include fishing, painting and swimming. He plays golf and enjoys surfing. He is one of the much sought out motivational speakers in the world.

Question 12. How did Nicks parents feel when he was born ?

Answer: When Nick was born, his father was so shocked that he left the hospital room to vomit. His distraught mother couldnt bring herself to hold him until he was four months old.

Question 13. What were Nicks parents ?

Answer: Nicks father was a computer programmer and accountant. His mother was a nurse.

Question 14. What happened when Nick was eight years old ?

Answer: When Nick was eight years old, he was teased and bullied by the other students and went to his mother crying and told her that he wanted to kill himself

Question 15. What is the disability of Nick ?

Answer: Nicks disability is a rare occurrence called Phocomelia, which doesnt have any medical explanation. Phocomelia is characterised by absence of limbs

Question 16. What did Nick try to do when he was ten ?

Answer: When Nick was ten, he tried to drown himself in the bath but luckily the attempt was unsuccessful

Question 17. When Nick was 13, he was inspired by an incident. What was it ?

Answer: When Nick was 13, he read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and help others. He realised why God had made them (the disabled ones) like that - to give help to others. It was so inspirational to him that he decided to use his life to encourage other people and give them courage

II. Given below are some of the statements made by Nick Vujicic. Which of these are substantiated by Nicks life?
I realised why God had made us like this - to give hope to others. I wanted to concentrate on something good that I had. I tell people to keep on getting up when they fall and to always love themselves. If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life is done.

Answer: I think all the above statements are substantiated by Nicks life

  • I realised why God had made us like this - to give hope to others. When Nick was 13, he read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and help others. Nick was inspired very much by the disabled man mentioned in the article. He got a hope from him. Then he decided to use his life to encourage others and give them hope
  • I wanted to concentrate on something good that I had: Nick was not discouraged with his disability. He knew that he had no arms and legs but he thought that they would never take away the beauty of his eyes. With his positive approach, he thought that his eyes were very good ones for him. He wanted to love his positive qualities such as faith, will power and perseverance. Further, he was quite satisfied with what he had i.e., a small foot on his left hip. He said he would be lost with it
  • I tell people to keep on getting up when they fall and to always love themselves: As a disabled man, Nick failed to do things successfully like other able people. Whenever Nick fails, he tries again and again until he succeeds. When Nick was learning how to surf, he was terrified at first but later he did very well. He decided to be thankful for what he has and to tell people to keep on getting up, when they falls
  • If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life is done: This statement was substantiated by Nick aptly. He encouraged many people in the world. He used his life story to inspire others. He made many people realise their inner beauty and personality. He was able to rise many people from the state of despair to the state of great hope
I.(a) Look at the list of adjectives given below in the box. Which of them describe Nick Vujicic? Tick (?) them?


(b) Pick out from the text the examples that support these attributes?


Attribute Example from the text
1. Positive In spite of his disability he has become great
2. Optimistic Though he is disabled, he doesnt lose hope. He says to others, "If I fail, I try again, and again, and again
3. Generous Now, he spends most of his time delivering sensational speeches all over the world
4. Confident Though he has no limbs, he gains faith and hope and tried to give them to others
5. Smart He appears to be smart and shows his cleverness in learning things
6. Sociable He enjoys being with others by delivering speeches, playing football, golf, surfing, etc
7. Courageous In spite of Nicks disability, he doesnt let the details stop him. He plays football and golf, swims, and surfs and delivers motivational speeches
8. Reliable He stands as an example for all the disabled persons by performing well throughout his life. As an Evangelical Christian he has faith and gives faith to others by delivering motivational speeches. He tries to encourage others
9. Independent He independently performs the things and decides what to do. Eg: playing football and golf, swimming, surfing, delivering motivational speeches etc
10. Obedient He seems to be obedient in accepting the unlucky birth
11. Valiant He has achieved success and reached a great position in his life with great determination and will - power. He becomes an international symbol for success
12. Creative He also plays golf with a club tucked under his chin.
13. Level- headed He judges well when he knows about his abilities and tries to bring them out. He always says, "The challenges in our lives are there to strengthen our convictions. They are not there to run us over." With this realisation we can say that he is level-headed
  • Positive : Showing confidence and hope
  • negative : Harmful, unpleasant or not wanted
  • optimistic : believing that good things will happen in the future
  • pessimistic : expecting that bad things will happen in the future
  • generous : willing to give money, spend time etc. in order to help people or give them pleasure
  • nervous : worried or frightened about something
  • confident : sure that something will happen in the way that you want or expect
  • smart : fashionable, clever
  • sociable : friendly and enjoys being with other people
  • cowardly : not at all brave
  • courageous : brav
  • reliable : dependable
  • independent : confident and able to do things by oneself in ones own way
  • dependent : needing someone or something in order to exist, be successful, be healthy, etc
  • obedient : always doing what one is told to do
  • trusting : willing to believe that other people are good and honest.
  • valiant very brave in difficult situation
  • self-centred paying so much attention to oneself that one doesnt notice what is happening
  • arrogant : behaving in an unpleasant or rude way
  • sarcastic : saying things that are the opposite of what one means, in order to make an unkind joke
  • quarrelsome : one who quarrels a lot with people
  • rude : not polite and annoys others
  • creative : good at using imagination to make things
  • stubborn : determined not to change ones mind when people think one is being unreasonable
  • lazy : not making any effort to do anything
  • pompous : trying to seem magnificent or very important; fond of display, acting too proudly, self-important
  • level-headed : sensible in making judgements
II. Tick (?) the word / expression which is nearest in meaning to the word underlined in each sentence given below.
Question 1. Water sports arent Nicks only thing - he also plays golf with a club tucked under his chin?
  • kept
  • pushed
  • covered
  • tied


  • kept
Question 2. His distraught mother couldnt bring herself to hold him until he was four months old?
  • angry
  • careless
  • shy
  • anxious


  • anxious
Question 3. Despite the risk of bullying, his parents insisted Nick attend mainstream?
  • discrimination
  • humiliation
  • negligence
  • failure


  • humiliation
Question 4. Nick, who was teased and bullied, had an electric wheelchair for mobility, and a team of carers to help him?
  • socialising
  • movement
  • travel
  • safety


  • movement
Question 5. Nick managed to pull through to become an international symbol of triumph over adversity?
  • disability
  • poverty
  • difficulties
  • opposition


  • difficulties
Question 6. The challenges in our lives are there to strengthen our convictions?
  • feelings
  • practices
  • beliefs
  • characters


  • beliefs
III. Read the following descriptions about persons and fill in the blanks with the words that match with these descriptions. boorish, extrovert, meticulous, suave, placid, obnoxious, compassionate, timid, introvert, malicious
Question 1. Ashok is a very unpleasant and rude fellow, I dont talk to him. He is __________?

Answer: boorish

Question 2. Srinu is very confident, elegant and polite, But sometimes he does not appear to be sincere. He is __________?

Answer: suave

Question 3. Sujatha is quiet and calm. She doesnt like to spend time with others. She is interested in her thoughts and feelings. So she is an __________?

Answer: introvert

Question 4. Ramesh is very sensitive. He always shows sympathy for people who are suffering. He is __________?

Answer: compassionate

Question 5. My neighbour is such a person that he has a feeling of hatred for others. He desires to hurt others feelings. He is __________?

Answer: malicious

Question 6. My father pays careful attention to every detail. He makes thorough planning for everything in our home. He is __________?

Answer: meticulous

Question 7. Prem is an extremely unpleasant person. He always tries to offend people. He is __________?

Answer: obnoxious

Question 8. My mother is very calm and peaceful. She doesnt get excited or irritated easily. She is __________?

Answer: placid

Question 9. Rahul is a very lively and confident person. He enjoys being with his friends. He is an __________?

Answer: extrovert

Question 10. Sridhar is always afraid of speaking in the class. He is __________?

Answer: timid

I. Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses Let us read the following sentences?
  • The woman who taught him surfing had been bitten by a shark
  • Nick, who was teased and bullied, had an electric wheel chair for mobility
  • What difference do you notice between sentence (1) and (2)? In sentence (1) the relative clause defines the woman. It is a Defining Relative Clause. In sentence (2) the Relative Clause adds extra information about Nick. This is a Non-defining Relative Clause. A Non-defining Relative Clause is preceded and followed by a comma or a hyphen, eg. The brave 26 year old - who is mainly torso-plays football and golf, swims and surfs. A relative clause is usually introduced by words such as who, whom, where, which, that etc. These words are called relative pronouns. Usually a relative clause modifies the noun or pronoun that goes before it, which is called the antecedent.
  • The man who is catching the fish is my uncle. In this sentence, the relative clause, "who is catching the fish" modifies the antecedent "the man"
  • People who live in cold countries keep themselves warm in different ways. In this sentence, the relative clause, "who live in cold countries" modifies the antecedent "people"
  • The Defining Relative Clause & The Non-defining Relative Clause:
  • The flower plants which are in our garden have been planted by me
  • The flower plants, which are in our garden , have been planted by me. The clause in the first sentence restricts the scope of the antecedent. It means all the flower plants which are in our garden have been planted by me. There are so many flower plants around the garden and the plants which are in our garden have been planted by me. Here, the clause is "Defining Relative Clause". The clause in the second sentence does not restrict the antecedent, but it gives additional information. It is called "Non-defining Relative Clause"
  • The house which we have sold is a hundred years old. Explanation:- In this sentence, the relative clause "which we have sold" is not separated from "the house". It defines the scope of the subject. This is "Defining Clause". This means that we have some other houses and we have sold only one of them and it is a hundred years old. (The other houses we have are not as old as this)
  • The house, which we have sold, is a hundred years old. Explanation:- In this sentence, the relative clause "Which we have sold" is separated from the subject "the house" by a comma. It provides additional information about the house which has been sold by us. It is a "Non-defining relative clause". This means that we have only one house and we have sold it and it is a hundred years old
I. Read the text again and identify some more Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses.


  • Nick has a small foot on his left hip which helps him balance and enables him to kick. (Defining Relative Clause)
  • "I call it my chicken drumstick," joked Nick, who was born in Melbourne, Australia, but now lives in Los Angeles. (Non-defining Relative Clause)
  • It was the best decision they could have made for me, adds Nick, who later achieved a degree in Financial planning and Real Estate. (Non-defining Relative Clause)
  • Nick, who was teased and bullied, had an electric wheelchair for mobility, and a team of carers to help him. (Non-defining Relative Clause)
  • When I was 13,1 read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and help others. (Defining Relative Clause)
  • In 2008 he went to Hawaii and met surfing master Bethany Hamilton, who had her arm bitten off by a shark when she was 12. (Non-defining Relative Clause)

II. Complete the sentences with Defining or Non-defining Relative Clauses

Question 1. This is the peaceful place __________________________?

Answer: This is the peaceful place where I meet my friends every evening

Question 2. The Mahaprasthanam is a popular book __________________________?

Answer: The Mahaprasthanam is a popular book which is read by lakhs of people

Question 3. Suresh __________________________ has left the school just now?

Answer: Suresh, who is our English teacher, has left the school just now

Question 4. Is this the street __________________________?

Answer: Is this the street where we can buy smuggled good

Question 5. The express __________________________?

Answer: The express, which runs between Hyderabad and Nagarsole, has just arrived


I. Writing a biographical sketch: A biographical sketch is an account of the life and activities of an individual. It includes information about the persons name, place of residence, education, occupation, life and activities and other important details. It is written by another person. If a person writes an account of his/her own life, it is called an autobiography. Given below in the table is the biographical information about Stephen Hawking. Based on this information write a biographical sketch?
Stephen Hawking: img

Answer: Stephen Hawking: Professor Stephen William Hawking was born on 8th January, 1942 in Oxford, England. He is the eldest one of four sons in their family. His mother is Isobel Hawking and his father is Frank Hawking, who is a medical researcher with a speciality in tropical diseases. He showed the qualities of a scientist from a very early age. He was always inquisitive when he was a child

Hawking began his schooling at Byron House School and he was recognized as a bright student. Hawking went to St. Albams school at the age of 8. Though Hawking was a keen child, he was not the brightest student in his class. He stood third from the bottom of his class

Hawkings father wanted him to study medicine. However, he was interested in Mathematics. He studied Physics as the University College did not provide degree studies in Mathematics. He loved to play board games. He constructed a computer out of recycled parts. At the age of 16, he solved rudimentary mathematical equations

At the age of 20, Hawking went on to do research in Cosmology at Cambridge. At that time only, he was diagnosed with the incurable disease called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). He slowly lost control of his muscles and the doctors told that he would die within a few years. He was married to Jane Wilde on 14 July, 1965. As his scientific reputation increased, his disability got worse

However, he finished his Ph.D. He made a research on black holes. He combined Quantum Mechanics with General Relativity into the theory of Hawking Radiation in 1974. In 1980, he had to depend upon nurses. In 1985 he under went on operation in the wind pipe. The operation distanced him from his ability to speak altogether

Overcoming the hindrance of his illness, Professor Hawking has made great contribution to Physics and has received many medals and prizes. He has twelve honorary degrees to his credit. He became the Fellow of the Royal Society at the age of 32. He received Albert Einestein Award in 1978

He received the Pius XI-GoId Medal for Science from Pope Paul VI in 1975. He contributed his share to the advancement of science and research. His life is an example that disability need not prevent one from reaching great heights. He inspired the whole world with his uncrushable spirit and will power

Attitude is Altitude Summary in English

Nick Vujicic is an Australian Evangelical Christian and motivational speaker. He is 26 year old (at present he is 32 years old). He is a brave person who plays football and golf, swims and surfs despite having no limbs. He was born with a rare occurrence called phocomelia, the disorder characterised by the absence of limbs. When Nick was born his father was so shocked that he left the place to vomit. His mother too was greatly worried and depressed. His parents did their best to make him independent

Nicks father was a computer programmer and he taught his little son how to type with his toe at just 6 years old. His mother too played her role by inventing a special plastic device which made him hold a pen and a pencil. Inspite of the risk of bullying, Nicks parents decided to send him to mainstream school which he thought was the best decision. He thought it was a hard decision but it gave him independence

When Nick was eight years old, he was depressed that he wanted to kill himself. He had hated God for what He had done to him. He was terrified to think of his condition when his parents were not there. Though he could brush his teeth and wash his hair, there were many impossible tasks for him. When Nick was ten, he tried to drown himself but luckily he failed in his attempt. Any how he managed to gain world-wide fame with the help of his religion, friends and family

He became an international symbol of triumph over adversity. When Nick was 13, he was inspired by the story of a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and help others. He decided to use his life to encourage other people and give them courage and hope. He decided to be thankful for what he has and never to get angry about what he doesnt have

He realised that the challenges strengthen our convictions. Once a girl at traffic lights was giving him the eye when he was in a car. But she was shocked to see him when he did a 360 degrees in his car and sped off really quickly. Although Nick had had girl-friends, he had chosen to remain a virgin until marriage. Hes wajting for the right girl to get married

In 2008 he met Bethany Hamilton who had her arm bitten off by a shark when he went to Hawaii. Bethany Hamilton, the surfing master, taught him how to surf. He quickly learnt how to do the 360 degree spins, the feat which was not done by anyone in the history of surfing. He has got good balance as he has a very low centre of gravity

In 1990 Nick won the Australian Young citizen of the year award for his bravery and perseverance. Nick has visited over 24 countries giving motivational speeches. Nick advises others that they should go to finish strong. He asks everyone to try again and again to achieve success. He thinks that everyone should keep on getting up when they fall. He asks them to love themselves


skateboard (n) = a short narrow board with small wheels at each end,

which you stand on and ride as a sport

surf (v) = to take part in the sport of riding on waves on a surfboard

torso (n) = the main part of the body, not including the head, arms, or legs

chicken drumstick (n) = the lower part of the leg of a chicken or other

bird that is cooked and eaten as food

clun (n) = a heavy stick with one end thicker than the other

propeller (n) = a device with two or more blades that turn quickly and

cause a ship or an aircraft to move forward

adversity (n) = a difficulty or unpleasant situation

perseverance (n) = the quality of continuing to try to achieve a


aim despite difficulties

wrap (v) = wind or hold round somebody or something

virgin (n) = a person who has never had sexual intercourse

tuck (v) = put something away compactly or tidily

bullying (n) = an attempt to tackle the problem of putting pressure on

someone in order to make him/her do what one wants

bully (v) = frighten or hurt

carer (n) = someone who looks after an old or ill person at home

bitter (adj) = caused by, feeling or showing envy, hatred or

disappointment; very unhappy and upset; attached to a wall

pump-action (adj) = a pump-action piece of equipment is operated by pulling or pressing a part in or out, so that the contents come out in short bursts

drown (v) = die in water because one is unable to breathe;

lack (v) = be without

triumph (n) = success or victory

inspiration (adj) = providing inspiration

conviction = believable quality

freak somebody out (phr.v) = make somebody feel extreme pleasure or unease

to run us over (phr.v) = to defeat or supress us

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