
TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 8B Be Thankful

Be thankful that you dont already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when you dont know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn

Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow. Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement

Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character

Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons

Be thankful when youre tired and weary, because it means youve made a difference

Its easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfilment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks

Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings

Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.
Question 1. The poet depicts different situations/aspects of life where we need to be thanlfful. What are they?

Answer: We look forward to something when we dont have everything. Ignorance of something helps us (to) learn new things. We have a chance to grow when we face difficult times. Our limitations help us to improve. Each new challenge will build our strength and character. Mistakes will teach us valuable lessons. When we are tired, it means that we made a difference. Our fulfilment comes from the setbacks. The poet wants us to be grateful to all these things

Question 2. Do you agree to the poets idea? Yes / No? Give reasons?

Answer: Yes, I completely agree with the poets ideas. Many of the people became great because they found an opportunity in every danger. They did not curse being disadvantaged. They took that as a challenge and went on to achieve something in their life

Question 3. How do difficulties help us grow ? When will troubles become blessings?

Answer: For some people difficulties are a boon. Troubles become blessings. Actress Sudha Chandrans life is an example for this. She met with an accident and her leg was amputated. At that time, she was on her way to popularity as a dancer. But the accident did not limit her life to a cripple. She returned to the dais as a dancer and she became a world famous dancer

In the same way, Dr. Kotnis accepted the challenge of working in the midst of a war. He continuously worked for days and gave treatment to soldiers. Finally he died of epilepsy. Even after death, Dr. Kotnis is still remembered by the Chinese

Thus we can say that sometimes troubles become blessings and difficulties help us grow. But it should be done only with determination and dedication

Be Thankful Summary in English

We dont have everything we want. If you have, what else will we look for? Nothing. So, be thankful for that. You dont know everything. If you dont know everything, there will be nothing more to know. So, be thankful for that

Whenever you have difficult times, you have a chance to grow. So, be thankful for the difficult times. You have limitations. And limitations give you opportunities for improvement. So, be thankful for your limitations

Whenever you face a new challenge, the challenge will build your strength and character. Hence, be thankful for each new challenge. When you make mistakes, you will learn valuable lessons. Therefore, be thankful for your mistakes

Whenever you are tired and weary, it means you have made a difference. Be thankful for that

Being thankful for the good things is easy. But a life of rich fulfilment comes to those people who also thankful for the setbacks. Gratitude can turn a negative thing into a positive one. So, find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and finally they can become blessings to you


desire (n) : wish

opportunity (n) : chance

weary (adj) : tired

setbacks (n) : hardships; difficulties

gratitude (n) : thankfulness

blessings (n) : Gods help and protection ; something that is good or helpful

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