
TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 7C I Can Take Care of Myself Questions and Answers: Answer the following questions :
Question 1. What do you think is the most important thing to learn to live well?

Answer: The most important thing to learn to live well is independence. We should be able to lead an independent life. When it is really needed, we should cooperate with others and take cooperation from them

Question 2. What are the skills or qualities that would help you to be independent in your life?

Answer: We should learn more about the world and learn good things from others. We should learn to take care of ourselves and live as good members of the society. Depending on others power, position or prosperity will not give us peace and security in the long run. Everyone should have genuine targets in life. We should depend on ourselves to achieve the targets in life

Question 3. Do you agree/disagree with the daughter of the mother rat? Give reasons for your response?

Answer: I agree with the daughter rat. The suggestions given by the mother rat are not of any use for leading an independent and healthy life. The daughter rat did not agree with what the mother rat said. She boldly expressed her opinions about life, independence and peace. In the long run, the daughter rats understanding will help her in leading a quality life. The mother rats ideas will no way help the daughter in leading an independent life

Study Skills

I. Observe the data given in the bar diagrams related to male and female infant mortality rates (IMR) in India over the years 1990 to 2008 and answer the questions given. Questions and Answers:
Question 1. In which year is the difference in infant mortality rates between male and female the highest?

Answer: The difference in infant mortality rates between male and female the highest was in 2003

Question 2. In which case and in which year do we find a sudden decrease in the IMR?

Answer: In the year 2003, there is a sudden decrease in the IMR in males

Question 3. What will happen if there is a wide gap in IMR between male and female?

Answer: Naturally IMR can be slightly more or less than the other. If the difference is too much, the natural balance will be affected. It has the impact on society in the long run

Question 4. What, according to you, may the reasons be for the female IMR being higher than the male IMR?

Answer: The reason for higher female IMR may be female foeticide

Question 5. What may be the reasons for the decrease in IMR over the years?

Answer: The reasons for the decrease in IMR rates over these years may be improved nutrition, vaccination and education among the adults

Question 6. Do you think there could be a further decrease in the IMR after 5 years?

Answer: It appears that there could be a further decrease in the IMR after 5 years

Question 7. What, according to you, may the reasons be for the death of more than half of both male and female infants?

Answer: The reasons for the death of more than half of both male and female infants may be superstition, malnutrition, absence of proper vaccination, lack of education among the parents

II. Group Work

Discuss the above questions in your group and write an analytical report on the Infant Mortality Rates in India?

Answer: The bar diagrams show the infant mortality rates (IMR) over the years 1990 to 2008. Over all, the infant mortality rate is higher in females than in males throughout the period except the year 1994. The difference in the IMR in males is slightly more than that of the females except the year 2003. The difference in the IMR in the year 2003 is remarkable. The percentage of IMR in females is more by 7% than that of the males the same year. Another interesting fact is that infant mortality rate is continuously on a decrease every year and the trend is likely to continue in future as well. Selective abortion, malnutrition can be the reasons behind the high incidence of infant mortality

Oral Activity

Work in pairs and debate on the following proposition. "Reservation in education, employment and legislature will empower the woman" ?

Answer: Teacher : We will have a debate on the subject of woman empowerment. The name of the topic is Reservation in education, employment and legislature will empower the woman. We will work in pairs. In every pair one will speak in support of the topic and the other will speak against the topic. The time allowed for each person to speak is 3 minutes. At end of the time, a bell will ring. You are allowed to make notes on a paper. You can use it in your argument. You have to support your argument with suitable examples. Now Nitish and Satish will take the first chance

Nitish : Good morning. I rise to speak in favour of the topic. After 65 years of independence, half of the society is still groping in darkness. There is discrimination against girl children in all classes of society. We cant treat the boys and girls in the same way. We need some protection to women in the society of course; there is significant improvement in educational standards of girls. But dowry deaths continue. They are not treated well in the buses, trains and work places. We need laws ; they alone can protect the interests of women. (t r r r n n n g g g .............)

Satish : Good morning. I am here to speak against the topic. I strong believe that in the past 65 years women achieved progress in so many fields But women are basically not as brave as men. We have plenty of evidence for this. They are sensitive. So, they cannot be treated with men on equal terms. Reservations and protection are like crutches. Can artificial limbs give real support to woman ? They have to become assertive. What protection was offered to Rani Rudramma, and Rani of Jhansi ? Did they not fight bravely ? I believe the reservations and legal protections increase the differences further. (t r r r n n n g g g .............) (The other pairs continue)

Project Work

A. Interview some female members in your family and neighbourhood with the following questions. Would you like the girls in the family to take up a job after they have received education? If yes, give some reasons. ____________________________________ If no, give some reasons. ____________________________________?


B. Work on the following items. Note down whether the woman you have interviewed is educated or uneducated; working/not working; married / unmarried?


C. Based on the above information write a report on Woman Empowerment and present it to the class?

Answer: After 65 years of independence woman empowerment1 in India is debated by people from all walks of life. Still there is discrimination towards women. They are not given an opportunity to exhibit their talents and creativity. Financially, they are dependent on men. The situation is slightly different in Andhra Pradesh. The Government has provided with 1/3 reservations in education and employment. Still, dowry system, and inequality hinder womens progress. The Union Government is trying to make law providing 50 percent reservations in the legislature. Let us hope that this would become a reality soon

Self Assessment

How well have I understood this unit? Read and tick (?) in the appropriate box.

I Can Take Care of Myself Summary in English

It is the story of two rats - a mother rat and a daughter rat. The mother rat wanted to get her young daughter married as soon as possible. She wanted the most powerful being on earth to marry her daughter. One day she saw the sun god and thought that he was the most powerful being on earth. She asked the sun if he was really most powerful. Then the sun god said rain was the most powerful

Then the mother rat thought that the rain was the most powerful thing. It makes the whole land green and makes all the rivers flow. The mother rat thought that surely the rain was the most powerful being on this earth. He asked the rain, "Are you the most powerful being on this earth?" But, he said that the mountain was greater than him. It blocks the clouds. It allows water to flow safely for the people, all other animals and plants in the valleys

The mother rat thought it was true. The mountain is big and strong. Then she asked the mountain whether it was the most powerful being on this earth. The mountain said that the worm was the most powerful thing. Without the worm, the earth would be hard. Nothing would grow on the soil. The earthworm is the greatest friend that living beings can have

Then, the daughter rat came towards the mother rat. The daughter asked the mother. "What are you doing"? The mother told the daughter everything about her plans to find the most powerful being on earth. The daughter asked the mother the reason for her plans but did not understand them at all. She told the daughter that she was very small. She needed a powerful being to protect her

The daughter said that she need not marry anyone just for protection. Instead, she needs to be strong herself and work hard. She said that she wanted to be powerful and be able to take care of herself and others she loved. For that she needed to learn more about the world; learn to live as a good creature and take care of herself. Depending on others is not good. One has to depend on the power within oneself


being (n) : a living creature

creature (n) : a living thing

protection (n) : the act of giving safety

block (v) : stop something from moving

withstand (v) : to be strong enough not to be hurt by force

position (n) : level of importance

prosperity (n) : the state of being successful in making money

security (n) : the activity of protecting a person or a thing

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