
TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 5C They Literally Build the Nation Questions and Answers: Answer the following Questions.
Question 1. What are the different constructions planned by civil engineers?

Answer: Civil engineers plan constructions like highways, railways, airports, harbours, bridges, tunnels along with ordinary buildings. They also plan water supply and, sewage disposal schemes, . pipelines for oil and gas supply

Question 2. Draw a tree diagram to represent different branches of civil engineering and the features associate4 with each?


Question 3. Is the title suitable to the essay? Justify your answer?

Answer: Civil engineers play an important role in almost every construction - airports, harbours, highways, infrastructure, bridges, tunnels. They are responsible for the design of pipelines for oil and gas supply. So, the title "They Literally Build the Nation" is very much, suitable to the essay

Question 4. How do civil engineers guide the clients?

Answer: Civil engineers stay with the clients and guide them in getting approval and construction process. They offer strategy, advice and their experience in constructing the project successfully

Question 5. Do you think civil engineering is a challenging job? Why?

Answer: Civil engineers play vital role in almost every major project. They stay with the clients and guide them through the approval and construction process, offering their rich and varied experience and advice, besides viable strategies. They are multifaceted. So I think Civil engineering is a challenging job

Study Skills

Observe the following Pie diagram which shows a survey done on 1200 students who have completed class 10 and chosen different career options.
Write a paragraph on the trends in the choice of a career based on the pie diagram?

Answer: The pie diagram shows the result of a survey conducted on 1200 students regarding the career options chosen by them after completing Class Ten. The trend shows that majority of the students like to join Intermediate courses. 20% of students are willing to opt for manual work. Whereas 3% of students go for vocational courses 12% of the candidates drop out of studies and 3 percent take to vocational courses. 5% of students opt for polytechnic courses. The least number of children like to join vocational courses. The dropouts are also in considerable number

Project Work

Interview any 5-10 intermediate students and get the following information?
Prepare a report on career options of the students and present it to the class.


Report :

A student has to decide his/her career path after plus two, the final stage of their school life. Though several courses are available, opting a right career path after 12th standard is a challenging task. There are numerous options available to pursue a career after intermediate. Making the right choice at the right time will bear fruitful results for the future

The students I have interviewed chose different career options. Many of them wanted to become software engineers, doctors, engineers, teachers, etc. Some of them said that they wanted to become lawyers. Some of them chose fashion designing, hotel management as their career options. Some students said that they wanted to settle in life with railway, army, navy and banking jobs. Only a few of them opt to have journalism as their career option

Self Assessment

How well have I understood this unit? Read and tick (?) in the appropriate box.

They Literally Build the Nation Summary in English

Civil engineering is one of the oldest branches of engineering. Civil engineers design, construct and manage infrastructure, highways, railways etc. Every major project needs services of a civil engineer

The role of civil engineer is continuously changing. Previously his role was mostly planning. But now, his advice is needed for the clients from planning stage to completion of the project whether it is a building or a highway. Their service is needed throughout

Civil engineers are multifaceted and they have a variety of roles to perform. They are: structural engineers, construction engineers and construction managers. Structural engineers design the project and construction engineers plan and coordinate construction. Construction managers estimate and decide the suitable methods, and schedule. They regularly review and monitor the progress of the project in line with the plans and schedules

The students of Civil Engineering have to undergo practical industry. Another important area of civil engineering is surveying. Surveying needs the technical skills in the areas of estimating, costing etc. Procurement routes, tendering procedures and contracting essentials are an inseparable part of construction industry

Civil engineers can get jobs in design offices consulting firms, government departments, environmental agencies and contracting firms


disciplines (n) : the subjects of study

design (n) : plan

construction (n) : to build

manage (v) : be able to organise

infrastructure (n) : basic systems that are necessary for a country for

smooth running (buildings, transport, water and power supplies)

tunnels (n) : ways built underground

exaggeration (n) : an over statement

state (v) : say

contribution (n) : part

crank out (phr.v) : produce a lot of low quality things quickly

sophisticated (adj) : advanced and complicated in the way they work

landscape (n) : everything you can see in an area when you look at it

regtlatlons (n) : rules

requirements (n) : needs

stringent (adj) : strict

numerous (adj) : many

constraint (n) : a thing that limits something

mindful (adj) : knowing, aware

expenditure (n) : expenses

schedule (n) : a plan that lists all the work that you have to do and

when you must do each thing

stay (v) : remain

clients (n) : customers

approval (n) : permission

construction (n) : building

offer (v) : help with

strategy (n) : technique

advice (n) : suggestion

multi-faceted (adj) : versatile ; having many faces or branches

harmony (n) : in balance

sewerage (n) : the system that carries the wastage produced by human beings

disposal (n) : throw away

guardians (n) : protectors

off shore : at a distance from the sea shore

multl-storeyed: : having many floors

cost-effective (adj) : giving the best possible profit

sophisticated (adj) : advanced

monitor (v) : control

compliance (n) : : conformity in fulfilling official requirements

undergo (v) : have

internship (n) : training to gain practical experience

procurement (n) : obtaining the required material

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