
TS 8th Class English Guide Unit 5A The Treasure Within (Part I)

PRE-READlNG (Motivotion/Picture Interaction)

Look at the pictures given and answer the questions that follow.
Question 1. IdentIfy the persons In the pictures?

Answer: The persons in the pictures are - Dr. Sarvepalli Radha Krishnan. Dr. A.PJ. Abdul Kalam, Mokshagundam Vìsweswarayya and Saína Nehwal

Question 2. Which field does each of them belong to?

Answer: Dr. Sarvepalli Radha Krishnan was a Teacher; Dr. A.PJ. Abdul Kalam was a scientist; Mokshagundam Visweswarayya was a famous engineer and Sama Nehwal is a leading badminton player

Question 3. Would you like to be anyone of them? If yes, name the field you like?


  • I would like to be a teacher (or)
  • I would like to be a scientist (or)
  • I would like to be an engineer (or)
  • I would like to be a badminton player


Question. Talk on - "Ambition of your life"?

Answer: Everybody of us has an aim in life. An ambition is something that one wants to do or achieve very much. It is the inner desire of oneself. My ambition in life is to become a scientist. Scientists are great people. They spend most of their time in scientific research to invent/discover new things. They always work hard for the welfare of the mankind. It is all because of the numerous inventions and discoveries done by the scientists the life became comfortable for us. They inspired me a lot. So. I want to become a scientist. I am very fond of the science subject. I want to do research in physics and discover something new. Its my dream to become a scientist. May God help me with my work !

The Treasure Within (Part-I) Summary in English

The Treasure Within is an interview between Ms. Bela Raja, who is the Editor of Sparsh, a newsletter and Mr. Hafeez Contractor, one of Indias leading architects

As a school student, Hafeez Contractor was afraid of education. It was literally a nightmare. Hafeez was a good student in the first and second years. When he reached the third standard, he lost interest and he never studied. He was interested in games, playing jokes and pranks on others. He would copy during the exam times. He could not remember things when they were taught in the class. So, he tried to get hold of the examination paper that was prepared and study it

One day, his principal called him and spoke to him. One sentence spoken by the principal at that time changed his life. When he was in the eleventh standard, the principal called him and told him that he was a good student but he never studied. Till that day he had taken care of Hafeez and it was not possible for him to do that any more. Hence he had to take care of himself

The principal asked him to study well. Hafeez was a good sportsman. He played every game. He was a senior champion for the school. But that year he didnt go out to play. He used to pray, eat and study

In the SSC examination, he worked hard and scored 50 percent. The principal asked Hafeez to consider the score a distinction

Hafeez couldnt remember anything he listened to in the classroom. In order to remember things, he had to see them as a photograph. So reading a book was more helpful to him than listening to a teacher in class

Hafeez received a caning every week from his teacher. But he never took it seriously. He was serious about playing, going to movies, eating and having gang fights. He opened the books one day before the exams. So, his books were almost brand new and students used to buy them for the following years


terrible (adj) : horrible

nightmare (n) : frightening dream

psyche (n) : mind or mentality

get over (phr.v) : recover from ; overcome

absolutely (adv) : completely

pranks (n) : jokes (or) mischief

approach (v) : reach

take care of (phr.v) : look after

bring up (phr.v) : upbringing

rise to the occasion (idm) : act suitably

distinction (n) : very good achievement

pull up (phr.v) : punish

caning (n) : (cane+ing) : punishment or beating

incur (v) : bear

wrath (n) : anger

state of mind : mental condition

insecure (adj) : not having security

threatened (adj) : terrorised

distraction (n) : deviation

whole (adj) : complete

chor-police (n) : childrens game (thief and policeman)

hearts content : satisfaction of the heart

strategies (n) : methods of winning

academics (n) : studies/educational matters (books, studies, discussions, etc.)

following (adj) : next

almost (adv) : nearly

probably (adv) : perhaps

book (v) : offer to buy in advance

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