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Noises Captured Near Jupiters Moon Ganymede Released By NASA:

NASA has released noises taken by the Juno mission near Jupiter`s moon Ganymede.
  • Juno`s flyby across the Solar System`s biggest moon yielded data.
  • A spectacular voyage inside Ganymede`s realm is provided by data extracted from noises captured on the moon`s surface.
  • NASA published a 50-second audio recording chosen by Juno`s wave instrument.
  • The wave device monitors the magnetosphere of Jupiter for electric and magnetic radio waves.
  • Scientists altered the gathered frequencies into the audio spectrum for the audio track.
  • On its closest approach, Juno approached within 1,038 kilometres of Ganymede`s surface. It was speeding along at 67,000 kilometres per hour.
  • Ganymede is a satellite of Jupiter (moon). It is the largest and most massive moon in the Solar System, as well as the ninth-largest object. Ganymede orbits Jupiter in about seven days.
  • Jupiter is orbited by Juno, a NASA spacecraft. It was designed and produced by Lockheed Martin.
  • NASA`s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is in charge of the spacecraft. It was launched as part of the New Frontiers program from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in August 2011.



Dinosaur Embryo Unearthed In China:

A 66-million-year-old dinosaur embryo was discovered in Ganzhou, China.
  • Baby Yingliang, the embryo, is thought to be a toothless theropod dinosaur or oviraptorosaur.
  • Because of the discovery of embryos, scientists now have a better understanding of the relationship between dinosaurs and modern birds.
  • According to the fossil, the embryo was in a coiled position known as "tucking." Birds exhibit this behaviour just before hatching. According to the findings, modern birds` tucking behaviour evolved from their dinosaur forefathers.
  • Baby Yingliang measures 27cm from head to tail. It is housed inside a 6.7-inch-long egg at the Yingliang Stone Nature History Museum in China.
  • This egg was discovered in the year 2000 and stored for ten years.

James Webb Space Telescope:

NASA is preparing to launch the much-anticipated "James Webb Space Telescope Mission," a next-generation space telescope mission.
  • The Arianespace Ariane 5 rocket will launch it. JWST has been in the works for decades. It was developed in collaboration with NASA, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), and the European Space Agency (ESA).
  • It will be NASA`s flagship astrophysics mission, succeeding the Hubble Space Telescope. On December 25, 2021, it will be launched aboard Ariane mission VA256.
  • The JWST`s Optical Telescope Element, or primary mirror, is made up of 18 hexagonal mirror segments. These components are made of gold-plated beryllium.
  • Observing some of space`s most distant events and objects, such as the birth of the first galaxies and the precise atmospheric parameters of potentially habitable exoplanets.
Ariane VA256
  • The Ariane spacecraft is on its 256th mission. During this mission, the James Webb Space Telescope will be launched into space.
  • The Ariane 5 rocket is a two-stage heavy-lift vehicle with two solid-fuel boosters. The ECA variant of the rocket, which has the highest payload mass capacity, will be used.
  • The total launch mass of the vehicle is estimated to be around 770,000 kg. Its sole cargo is the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This launch is one of the contributions of the European Space Agency.


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