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Key Facts of NDHM Sandbox Environment:

The central government intends to assess the results of the National Digital Health Mission`s (NDHM) first phase in order to extend the project, which had previously invested 118.2 million rupees. The "NDHM sandbox environment" was also created as part of this task to encourage innovation and build trust. 
♦ In August 2020, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the National Digital Health Mission (NDHM). The mission has visited Chandigarh, Dammam and Diu, Ladakh, Dadra and Nagar Haveri`s joint territory, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Puducherry, and Lakshadweep since then.  
♦ The Union`s Ministry of Health is in charge of task execution in the six Union countries. According to the proposal, the central government has released 9,97095 health IDs as of March 15, 2021. 
♦ After receiving informed consent, the health ID issued under the task allows people to track the patient`s health and share data with verified doctors or healthcare providers. It also offers a voluntary opt-out option, allowing users to delete their personal information at any time. 
♦ To encourage creativity, participation, and trust, the government has created the "NDHM Sandbox Environment." A closed ecosystem has been created in the sandbox environment. The system enables the testing of technology or products in a closed environment in accordance with the NDHM standard. The test helps public and private organizations wishing to become part of the NDHM ecosystem to become health information providers or health information users. 
♦ The NDHM is an Indian government agency tasked with providing people with medical identification documents. People will be able to use the Ayushman Bharat Yojana with the help of this identification document. The plan is also compatible with other health-care initiatives such as the Aadhaar Identification Plan and the Ayushman Bharat Yojana Healthcare Plan. The health ID is retained by the user as an account in the mobile application. The Prime Minister announced this mission on Independence Day 2020.
Helium of India Import to Get Affected:
From 2021, the United States can no longer export helium. As a result, India`s industry will suffer large losses as a result of helium imports. 
♦ Helium is an inert, colourless, odourless, and tasteless gas that is extremely rare. 
♦ Rockets and nuclear reactors undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. 
♦ Kamerlingh Onnes, a Dutch physicist, liquefies helium by cooling it to -270 degrees Celsius. 
♦ The Rajmahal volcanic basin, located in the Indian state of Jharkhand, is a billion-year-old helium storage facility. 
♦ India is currently mapping the Rajamahal Basin in preparation for future helium exploration and utilisation.
Buldhana Pattern For Water Conservation:
The Buldhana Pattern for water conservation was presented to the Rajya Sabha by the Minister of Jal Shakti. 
♦ The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) has created draught guidelines to incorporate guidelines for the following activities: 
(i) Land acquisition for the improvement and development of national highways, state roads, and railways, and 
(ii) Projects to protect water sources by using silt/deep water bodies. 
♦ In the Buldhana district, these two activities were successfully implemented as a pilot project (Maharashtra).  

Department OF Biotechnology - National Biopharma Mission:

The National Biopharmaceutical Mission, which was approved by the Cabinet, was launched by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) with the aim of strengthening emerging biotech companies across India. Accelerating Discovery Research to Early Development for Biopharmaceuticals by Industry-Academic Collaboration – Innovate in India (I3) Biotech pioneers are being empowered, and inclusive innovation is name of the mission.
About National Biopharma Mission: 
♦ A National Biopharma Mission was established to assist small and medium-sized businesses in overcoming the risks associated with product production in the early stages. It encourages entrepreneurship by fostering stronger ties between industry and academia. It also offers academics, innovators, and entrepreneurs advice and training. The delegation continued to promote over shared national facilities, the domestic manufacturing industry (such as GLP analysis facilities, cell line databases and the establishment of clinical trial networks). 
Objectives of the mission: 
♦ Create goods for potential buyers that are nearing the end of the product development process. 
♦ Strengthen and create a common infrastructure for product verification and production. 
♦ To resolve the "main skills gap" between researchers and nascent biotech companies, develop human capital by offering advanced training. 
♦ Create and enhance public and private sector technology transfer and intellectual property protection capabilities. 
Targets of the Mission: 
♦ Develop biotherapeutics, vaccinations, medical devices, and diagnostics, among other biopharmaceutical items. 
♦ Set up shared infrastructure and services, such as GLP verification and reference labs. 
♦ Medical technology verification facility. 
♦ Process growth and cell line development, as well as translation and interdisciplinary analysis. 
♦ Create technology transfer offices in both the public and private sectors. 
♦ To instruct on the acquisition of both technical and non-technical skills.

Co-WIN Upgraded - Can Register for Jab Daily:

The COVID-19 vaccination portal, according to the chairman of the approved COVID-19 vaccination committee, has been strengthened to recognise 10 million registrations and monitor the regular vaccination status of 5 million citizens.
♦ The COVID Vaccine Intelligent Network (CoWIN) framework is a digital platform that can be used to promote and extend the COVID vaccine distribution system throughout the world.  
♦ The Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network (EVIN) has been updated (eVIN). This is a government-run operation from start to finish. 


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