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November 3rd Week 2015 Current Affairs

1) India, Bangladesh to cooperate on intelligence sharing, border security
  • India has assured Bangladesh of sharing information on militancy, and both countries have agreed to work together to reduce insurgency and terrorism through bilateral understanding and intelligence-sharing. Both countries have also agreed to reduce border killings to zero and effectively combat human trafficking and drug smuggling.
  • On the first day of the bilateral talks on 16th November, the Joint Working Group headed by the Joint Secretaries of both countries discussed issues on security co-operation, effective border management, improving border trade infrastructure, arms, drugs and human trafficking, and problems relating to the recently abolished enclaves.
  • India raised the issues of influx of fake Indian currency, cattle smuggling, and illegal infiltration and sought Dhaka`s co-operation to completely stop these activities. Bangladesh spoke strongly for the need to end border killings and handing over top Bangladeshi criminals hiding in India.
2) Govt clears pact on promotion of German as additional foreign language in KVs
  • The Cabinet has given ex-post facto approval to the Joint Declaration of Intent between the Human Resource Development Ministry and Federal Foreign Office of Germany for promotion of German as an additional foreign language in Kendriya Vidyalayas. It has also given ex post facto approval to the MoU between India and Germany on Security Cooperation.
  • The other decisions taken by the Cabinet include ex-post facto approval to the signing of….
  •     MoU between the Civil Aviation Ministries of India and Germany for carriage of In-flight Security Officers on board the flight,
  •     Tripartite Agreement among India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA), on the IBSA Fund for the alleviation of poverty and hunger and
  •     Protocol amending the agreement between India and Kuwait for the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax evasion.



3) India, China to Form Ministerial Mechanism to Tackle Terror

  • India and China on 19th November agreed to form a ministerial-level mechanism headed by their home ministers for the first time to step up cooperation and coordination on a host of security-related issues, including cross-border terrorism, smuggling and drug trafficking.
  • The decision to form the ministerial mechanism was agreed upon after Home Minister Rajnath Singh`s talks in Beijing with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Interior Minister Guo Shengkun.
  • The ministerial mechanism which would be followed by a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the security-related issues to be worked out, will become operational during Guo`s visit to India next year, Singh told the media in Beijing after his meetings with Li and Guo.
  • The committee will handle issues like terrorism, security and law enforcement related issues, transborder crimes, cyber crimes and drug trafficking. The committee will meet every year to review the progress, Mr Singh said.
  • The decision by the two countries to deepen cooperation relating to terrorism comes in the backdrop of the Paris terrorist attacks and killing of Chinese and Norwegian hostages by Islamic State terrorists. The ministerial mechanism would be assisted by a working level mechanism headed by joint secretary level officials of both the countries, Singh said expressing satisfaction over the steady improvement of cooperation between the two nations.
  • Besides various aspects of security issues, the mechanism significantly would focus on cross border terrorism and information-sharing on terrorism which India and China face from a "joint source" - Pakistan.
  • While India faces cross border terrorism emanating from Pakistan in Kashmir, China faces the same problem with East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), a Xinjiang-based al-Qaeda- backed outfit which has bases in Pakistan`s tribal areas.
  • India has agreed to China`s suggestion that in view of the shared desire on both sides to upgrade the cooperation in security related issues, there should be a framework agreement, he said.
  • While reluctant to spell out the details on China working out such an agreement with India, considering its close ties with Pakistan, Singh however said it is the culmination of consensus between leadership on both sides about the positive direction of the relations between the two countries.
  • Both sides agreed on the necessity of maintaining peace and tranquillity on the border while moving towards an early settlement.


4) UK joins hand with govt to develop 3 smart cities in India

  • The British Government has selected two cities of Maharashtra and one from Madhya Pradesh for developing them as `Smart City`, British Deputy High Commissioner, Mumbai, Kumar Iyer said on 20th November. The cities in Maharashtra include Pune and Amravati and Indore in Madhya Pradesh.


5) ASEAN is largest investment partner of India: PM

  • Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed 13th Asean India Summit at Malaysian capital Kuala Lampur on 21st November
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said, his government`s aim is not mere reform but reform to transform. 
  • Addressing the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Prime Minister Modi said, India has embarked upon a path of fiscal consolidation. He said, sentiment for private and foreign investment has turned positive. He said winds of change prevail in India.
  • The Prime Minister said intellectual property rights Policy will come in force by the end of the year and all rights of innovators will be protected. The PM further termed India and ASEAN countries as natural partners. 
  • PM said that despite cutting fiscal deficit, India has substantially increased public productive investment. PM said that the aim of reforms for his government is to transform India. 



6) India, China to enhance cooperation

  • India and China have shared opinion during a bilateral meeting held between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Chinese counterpart Li Kequiang. The bilateral talks with China focused on counter terrorism strategies and economic ties, while the talk with Japan focused on expansion of special strategic partnership. 
  • According to spokesperson in External Affairs Ministry Vikas Swaroop global economy, climate change and International terrorism figured during the Prime Minister’s talks with China. With Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the talks focused on proposals of economic activities in various fields besides South China Sea dispute.


7) PM Modi invites Malaysia, Singapore and other Asean countries to invest

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invited Malaysia, Singapore and other Asean countries to invest in infrastructure projects in India. Addressing ASEAN -Business Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Mr Modi said winds of change prevail in India. 
  • He said India has opened Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Insurance, Defence and Railways. FDI policy has been relaxed in construction, plantation and Media. Assuring that all rights of innovators will be protected 
  • He listed out a series of measures that his government taken on the reforms front on the occasion. The Prime Minister has laid emphasis on reforms for transformation of India with an aim to bring the fruits of development to the bottom of the demography.
  • Stating that India has immense potentiality for infrastructure development, he said 50 cities in the country are ready for Metro Rail Projects and the Government is committed to build 50 million houses in the next few years providing lot of employment for skilled as well as semi-skilled and poor.
  • The Prime Minister said concentrated steps are being taken for institutional reforms and emphasizing implementation of the tax reforms. Mr Modi exuded hope that the Goods and Services Tax Act, is expected to be rolled out by early next year. A bill has already been introduced in Parliament.
  • He assured that all facilities would be provided to genuine and honest investors under the provisions. Exuding confidence that the 21st Century belongs to Asia and Asian countries will become economic powerhouse zones in the world.


8) Fast track system developed to help UK companies invest in India

  • The department of industrial promotions and policies in India has developed a general agreement with its counterpart in the United Kingdom on a fast track system for easy clearance to the UK companies investing in India. According to Indian High Commissioner to UK Mr. Ranjan Mathai the Britain is the largest investor from amongst the G-20 countries in India.
  • The fast track system will help UK companies investing in India. Ranjan Mathai said that Indian companies have also invested very heavily more in UK than most of the European Union combined.
  • The Indian High Commissioner further said all India and UK bi-lateral relations including concerns on security issues and investments in Green Power and new and renewable energy sources will also be discussed between the delegations of Indian and the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, Indian origin MP in UK Mr. Keith Vaz has termed
  • During the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to London, many new areas of cooperation for building our economic partnership under Make in India agenda will be deliberated upon. He said joint ventures in Airbus technology are also on the anvil during the talks.  

November 3rd Week 2015 Current Affairs

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