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International Current Affairs August 3rd Week 2022

Jupiter images in James Webb Space Telescope

For the first time, the Jupiter planet has been seen in such a stunning image by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Actually, James Webb took this photo on July 27, 2022.
Key Points
  • Images of Jupiter’s stormy Great Red Spot, Ring, Aurora and Aurora at the North and South Poles were not clearly visible in any photo taken to date.
  • Apart from this, all the parts of this planet are visible in a single line in a wide field picture. Its dim rings, its two satellites i.e. the moons Amalthea and Adrastea and the bright stars are visible in the Milky Way behind them. The format of the picture was infrared. The infrared images were artificially tinted blue, white, green, yellow and orange.

SCO Defence Ministers’ Meeting

Rajnath Singh, a minister for the Union, is currently in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, for three days. He will also participate in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization`s meeting of military ministers during this time (SCO).
Key Points
  • During this annual meeting, issues of defense cooperation among SCO member states will be discussed and it is expected that a joint communiqué will be issued after the deliberations. Shri Rajnath Singh’s address in this meeting will be on August 24, 2022.
  • During this, the Defense Minister will meet the Defense Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Lieutenant General Bakhodir Kurbanov. Apart from this, meetings are also scheduled with the Defense Ministers of some other SCO member countries on the sidelines of this meeting, where issues of bilateral and mutual interest will be discussed.

International Current Affairs August 3rd Week 2022

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