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International Current Affairs April 4th Week 2021

Statehood Movement in Columbia:

The United States House of Representatives recently passed a bill making Washington, DC, the fifty-first state in the nation. For the second year in a row, the Washington DC Admissions bill has been exceeded. The bill would create the “Washington, Douglas Commonwealth” as a republic. Frederick Douglass was the inspiration for the name.
♦ Washington, D.C. is also officially known as Columbia. The capital of the United States is Washington, D.C. The Potomac River runs through it. It shares a frontier with Maryland and Virginia.
♦ The aim of the District of Columbia Statehood Movement is to make the District of Columbia a US state. The taxpayers would have voting rights in Congress as a result of this. They would eventually have complete control over municipal affairs. The Columbian district is currently under the exclusive control of the United States Congress.
♦ Statehood would be granted in the United States if a law is passed by the US Congress. The US Congress will admit new states to the Union by passing a statute, according to Article IV of the US Constitution.
♦ Columbia would be the 49th most populous state if it becomes a state. However, in terms of GDP, it will come in first. Also, in terms of median family income, it is first.
♦ The first African American to be nominated for Vice President of the United States was Frederick Douglass. He was a social reformer, orator, and abolitionist once upon a time. In Maryland, he had previously worked as a slave. He fled slavery and rose through the ranks of the Abolitionist movement to become its national leader. The Abolitionist movement aimed to abolish slavery in the United States.

Human Rights Watch on Israel:

Human Rights Watch said on Tuesday that Israel is committing "apartheid" by attempting to maintain Jewish "domination" over Palestinians and its own Arab community.
♦ Movement limitations, land confiscation, forcible population transfer, denial of citizenship rights, and suspension of civil rights were all listed.
♦ According to the document, Israel is the "single authority" with jurisdiction "over the region between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea."
Israel said:
Israel blasted HRW`s allegations as "preposterous and baseless," accusing it of having "a long-standing anti-Israeli agenda." Israel is currently under investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for alleged war crimes.
About Human Rights Watch:
Founded in 1978 and based in New York City, this organisation performs human rights research and advocacy. The team works on behalf of refugees, children, migrants, and political prisoners, putting pressure on governments, politicians, businesses, and individual human rights abusers to condemn violence and appreciate human rights. The company`s headquarters are in New York.

International Current Affairs April 4th Week 2021

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