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Defence Current Affairs December 3rd Week 2021

The Controlled Aerial Delivery System Was Demonstrated By DRDO:

The Defence Research and Development Organization demonstrated a controlled aerial delivery system on December 19, 2021. (DRDO).
  • The Controlled Aerial Delivery System was demonstrated in flight by the Aerial Delivery Research and Development Establishment (ADRDE).
  • The system had a capacity of 500 kg (CADS-500).
  • The flight demonstration was one of several activities commemorating the `Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.`
  • At Malpura`s Drop Zone, the system`s performance was demonstrated from a height of 5000 metres.
  • This system was recovered from an AN32 plane. In autonomous mode, it was then guided to a predetermined landing site.
  • Eleven paratroopers from the Indian Army and the Indian Air Force pursued the system in the air and landed at the same time.
  • ADRDE is known as the "Aerial Delivery Research and Development Establishment (ADRDE)."
  • It is a DRDO laboratory in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. The research conducted by ADRDE includes the development of heavy-lifting devices, towed targets, braking parachutes, aerostats, and aircraft arrester barriers.
 CADS 500:
  • The CADS-500 is intended to deliver payloads weighing up to 500 kg to a predetermined location with pinpoint accuracy.
  • It accomplishes these tasks by utilising the Ram Air Parachute`s manoeuvrability (RAP).
  • During flight, it also uses the Global Positioning System to obtain coordinates, as well as altitude and direction sensors to determine heading.



Indigenous Armoured Engineer Reconnaissance Vehicle

On December 21, the Indian Army received its first batch of indigenous Armoured Engineer Reconnaissance vehicles.
  • These next-generation vehicles were accepted into the Army`s Corps of Engineers at a ceremony in Pune.
  • The indigenous Armoured Engineer Reconnaissance vehicle was designed by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO).
  • It was created in collaboration with Bharat Electronics Limited, Pune, by the Ordnance Factory Medak.
  • The Indian Army has placed an order for 53 AERVs.
  • Individual engineering formations, primarily on the Western front, will be deployed with these vehicles.
  • In order to carry out engineering operations, the vehicle can conduct reconnaissance of water impediments and marshy patches.
  • It can also conduct reconnaissance and provide force commanders with real-time updates. It will supplement the Indian Army`s current "engineer reconnaissance capabilities."
  • Vehicles would be a game changer in supporting mechanised operations in any future conflict.
  • The AERV was developed by modifying the amphibious infantry fighting vehicle BMP-II.
  • The vehicle was designed to meet the tactical and combat requirements of military engineers conducting terrestrial and underwater surveys in difficult terrain.

 Pralay Flight-Tested:

On December 22, the Pralay short-range surface-to-surface missile successfully completed its first test flight.
  • The Pralay ballistic missile was tested on Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Island off the coast of Odisha.
  • The missile took the desired quasi-ballistic trajectory and landed with pinpoint accuracy on the target. As a result, the algorithms for control, guidance, and mission were validated.
  • Pralay is a short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile with a canister (SRBM). It was developed for use on the battlefield by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO).
  • This missile combines technologies developed for the exoatmospheric interceptor missile Prithvi Defence Vehicle (PDV) and the tactical missile Prahaar.
  • The Pralay project was approved in March 2015, with a budget of Rs 332.88 crore.
  • The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) began working on this project in 2015. Later, the missile was given the name Pralay.
  • Pralay has a range of 150 to 500 kilometres and can hit the target with an accuracy of about 10 metres or less.
  • It can be launched using a mobile launcher.
  • It has a guidance system with cutting-edge navigation mechanisms and integrated avionics.
  • It`s a solid-fuel missile with a flight path that`s similar to that of a ballistic missile.
  • The missile can perform mid-air manoeuvres to defeat anti-ballistic missile (ABM) interceptors by using a manoeuvrable reentry vehicle (MaRV).
  • It is capable of transporting high explosive preformed fragmentation warheads weighing 350 kg to 700 kg, as well as Runway Denial Penetration Submunition (RDPS) and Penetration-Cum-Blast (PCB) (PCB).

Defence Current Affairs December 3rd Week 2021

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