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March 3rd Week 2015 Current Affairs

1) Coastal surveillance radar system unveiled

Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a Coastal Surveillance Radar System in Seychelles. The operationalising of the system marks an important step in the maritime security cooperation between the two countries. The Prime Minister showed keen interest in learning the working of the system and also made inquiries from the coast guard about it. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also promised to provide another Dornier aircraft to Seychelles.
He is the first Indian Prime Minister to travel to Seychelles in 33 years. Bolstering defense and maritime security cooperation is high on the agenda of Prime Minister Modi`s visit.

2) Four pacts signed between India and Sri Lanka

PM Modi met his Sri Lankan counterpart Ranil Wickremesinghe and agreements on visa, customs, youth development and agreement to build Rabindranath Tagore Memorial has been signed. Prime Minister Modi holds delegation level talks with Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena.
  • An agreement to build Rabindranath Tagore Memorial has also been signed. Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for a long term solution to address the fishermen issue. 
  • Terming the decision of setting up a joint task force on ocean economy as significant, PM Modi has said that ocean economy is a new frontier that holds enormous promise for both India and Sri Lanka.
  • PM Modi has said the agreement on cooperation between the custom authorities will simplify trade and reduce non-tariff barriers on both sides. 
  • PM at Anuradhapura: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 14th March visited Sri Lanka`s ancient capital Anuradhapura and offered prayers at the sacred Mahabodhi tree.
  • Legend has it that the southern branch of the holy Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya in India under which Buddha was said to have attained enlightenment was brought to Sri Lanka in 288 BC by Princess Sanghamitta, the daughter of Emperor Ashoka.
  • It was planted in Anuradhapura and is venerated to this day by the Buddhists from many countries of the world. Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi is a sacred Fig tree and is the oldest living tree in documented history of the world.

3) Gandhiji statue unveiled

A historic bronze statue of Mahatma Gandhi was unveiled on 14th March at the Parliament Square in London in a rare honor bestowed by the British government
  • Gandhi’s 9-foot statue was unveiled jointly by British Prime Minister David Cameron and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley 
  • Gandhi is the first Indian and the only person never to have been in a public office to be honored with a statue at the Square. 
4) India, US finalize new defense pact
India and USA have finalized the new Framework Agreement on Defense Cooperation which would replace the existing Framework Agreement on Defense Cooperation expiring in June 2015.
A dialogue has been established between both countries under the Defense Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) for co-development and co-production of unique and exceptional technologies of mutual interest. There is no joint production of weapons with USA at present.

March 3rd Week 2015 Current Affairs

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