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Awards Current Affairs July 1st Week 2017

1. Health Ministry’s mobile app eVIN wins GSMA Asia Mobile Award.

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Indigenously developed mobile application for digitising vaccine logistics, eVIN, has won the prestigious GSMA Asia Mobile Award 2017 (AMO) for outstanding contribution to the UN’s sustainable development goals in Asia.

The Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network (eVIN) is an online real-time vaccine logistics management system developed and implemented by the Ministry of Health and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The ceremony, held during the Mobile World Congress 2017 in Shanghaix, recognised the contributions of several transformative mobile innovations making a mark in the Asian region.

eVIN is presently being implemented across 12 states in the country and aims to support the government’s Universal Immunization Programme by providing real-time information on vaccine stocks and flows and storage temperatures across all cold chain points in these states.

The mobile and web-based application is empowering last- mile healthcare workers, thereby strengthening immunisation system in India.



Awards Current Affairs July 1st Week 2017

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