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Awards Current Affairs July 2nd Week 2017

1. Two Indian-Americans to be honoured with Great Immigrants award.

Two Indian-Americans, Adobe Chief Shantanu Narayen (54) and former US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy (39) have been chosen for prestigious Great Immigrants: The Pride of America Award 2017. They are among 38 distinguished US immigrants representing more than 30 countries of origin around the world honoured with this year’s award for their role in advancing US’s economy, society, and culture. Some the honourees include Canadian-origin social entrepreneur Jeff Skoll, PayPal cofounder of Ukrainian origin Max Levchin, Iranian-origin philanthropist and entrepreneur Hushang Ansary. 

Vivek Murthy :

Murthy was born in the UK. He is alumnus of Harvard and Yale. He was appointed as Surgeon General by former President Barack Obama in 2014, making the first-ever Indian-American and also the youngest to occupy the post. He was dismissed this in April 2017 by the Trump administration. 

Shantanu Narayen :

Narayen is a native of Hyderabad. He holds an undergraduate degree in electronics engineering, a master’s degree in computer science, and an MBA from UC Berkeley. He is a board member of Pfizer and US-India Business Council. At present, he is CEO of Adobe Systems.
2. Mahesh Bhagwat conferred 2017 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report Heroes Award.

 Mahesh Muralidhar Bhagwat, IPS officer from Telangana was conferred with the 2017 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report Heroes Award by the Unites States Department of State. He is third IPS officer to get this honour. 

He was awarded for his vital role in elevating human trafficking as a government priority and his innovative approach to investigating cases and dismantling human trafficking operations. Currently, Mahesh Bhagwat is Police Commissioner of Rachakonda, one of the three Police Commissionerates located in Hyderabad

He was central figure in anti-trafficking operations that have removed hundreds of victims from situations of trafficking, and with the help of other government departments and civil society organisations, ensured their placement in rehabilitation programmes. 

He has pioneered the use of legal provisions to close sites where trafficking is known to occur.  Under his command, the Rachakonda Police Commissionerate had closed 25 brothels – 20 residential apartments and five hotels- in less than a year. The Commissionerate also had participated in one of the largest crackdowns on labour trafficking in the country, which had led to the identification and rescue of more than 350 children bonded forcibly to work in brick kilns.

 3. Tata Steel receives PM’s trophy for best Integrated Steel Plant.

Tata Steel Ltd has bagged Prime Minister’s trophy for ‘Best Performing Integrated Steel Plant’ in the country for the performance years 2014-2015 and 2015- 16.

For the third consecutive year, Tata Steel has bagged the award. Overall, the company has been recognised as the best integrated steel plant for 12 times and has won the PM’s Trophy 10 times. 

The company was selected for the award after it went through rigorous assessment by a panel of distinguished judges. As per the company, it is making continuous efforts to embrace modern technology and strive towards creating a world-class plant environment. 

Tata Steel Group is ranked as one of the top 10 steel companies in the world with an annual crude steel capacity of 27.5 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) as of March 2017. The company is also the world’s second most geographically diversified steel producer. It is operating in 26 countries and has a commercial presence in over 50 countries.

Awards Current Affairs July 1st Week 2017

1. Health Ministry’s mobile app eVIN wins GSMA Asia Mobile Award.

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Indigenously developed mobile application for digitising vaccine logistics, eVIN, has won the prestigious GSMA Asia Mobile Award 2017 (AMO) for outstanding contribution to the UN’s sustainable development goals in Asia.

The Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network (eVIN) is an online real-time vaccine logistics management system developed and implemented by the Ministry of Health and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The ceremony, held during the Mobile World Congress 2017 in Shanghaix, recognised the contributions of several transformative mobile innovations making a mark in the Asian region.

eVIN is presently being implemented across 12 states in the country and aims to support the government’s Universal Immunization Programme by providing real-time information on vaccine stocks and flows and storage temperatures across all cold chain points in these states.

The mobile and web-based application is empowering last- mile healthcare workers, thereby strengthening immunisation system in India.

